You know I had severe doubts about the quality of the ANGEL show. I said Angel couldn't survive without Buffy. But he is because he's not attempting to forget her. He remembers and goes about his business and it's a good show. It's like Buffy of old. Just the same, I think both show suffer from the lack of the other character..the two very emotional leads..Buffy and Angel need each other and unil they are in each others' lives evens as friends..they're gonna miss a vital element of Buffy's success.
Okay, so this is what I'm going to do. I'm starting a new series that departs from the timeline in the middle of third season. Angel got through to Faith in the mansion that day. Buffy and Angel found a cure for the curse and are now together in every sense of the word. Faith and Xander are a new and beginning couple. Will and Oz are still together. Will and Buffy share a dorm room at the college. Angel still lives at the mansion. Giles' house is Slayer Central because the Mayor/blowing up the school thing still happened. Cordy left Sunnydale for a few weeks but then pulled a Brenda Walsh and came back home and is now living in a soriety house. And Joyce didn't disappear off the face of the planet.
Everything looks great right...get a grip. Nothing stays great for long...