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A Lamp to My Feet and a Light for My Path

Bible Verses that Enlighten

Many people begin counseling hoping to find some way to cope with the pain they experience in their daily lives. They are often supported in that expectation by the therapist, who reassures them that they can learn skills to deal better with their pain, or techniques to manage their pain. But there is a problem with this belief: it does not match the promises of our Lord.

Aletheia Christian Counseling, a program of Brookwood Psychotherapy Associates, stands on the Scriptural promises of God, which include experiencing true freedom through the knowledge of God's truth, and experiencing peace in God's presence. We believe the Lord is the Wonderful Counselor.

Brookwood Psychotherapy Associates offers brief, intensive Christ-centered therapy, with sessions scheduled over a period of one to five days for three to six hours each day.

The foundation of the therapy is found in Isaiah 61, where God promises that the brokenhearted will be healed, the captives freed, the prisoners brought out of the darkness, the mourners comforted, and the spirit of despair removed and replaced with praise. Isaiah is speaking of the coming of the Messiah, and Jesus, in reading these verses, proclaimed the prophesy fulfilled through Him (Luke 4:20-21). The wonderful truth of His promise is that it means you can truly be free...right from despair, free from your broken heart, and free from the darkness. In order to help you experience this truth fulfilled in your life, we assist you in learning to listen for God's truth. When you experience and come to know God's truth in your heart, the pain from your past (your darkness, your despair) that causes the problems in your present is replaced with His freeing truth.

We believe that it is through a context of selflessness (dying to self) that the Lord Jesus prepares us for His healing. Therefore, at Brookwood Psychotherapy Associates we do not advocate self-help, but instead acceptance of self-helplessness and dependence on Jesus for your healing.

Since the beginning of Aletheia Christian Counseling, individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse and addictions, eating disorders and dissociative disorders have received healing truth from Jesus. Visit the pages listed below to find more information on Aletheia Counseling, Coaptive Therapy for couples, retreats, and truth from the Word of God that speaks about His freedom, His peace and His promises.

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