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Aletheia Christian Retreats

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In addition to the intensive counseling services, Aletheia Christian Counseling offers retreats for individuals and couples, and educational programs and services. Our retreats are designed to provide a combination of education, spiritual growth and personal healing for participants. The initial didactic session explains the process and reviews the Scriptural foundations for the experience. Small groups are utilized to identify personal issues for healing. Additional sessions instruct on how to listen for God's truth, the difference between "head" knowledge and "heart" knowledge, potential areas of vulnerability, and maintaining peace. Individual sessions are scheduled as needed for each participant to fully experience healing and put the techniques learned into practice. The retreat ends with the sharing of victories.

Retreats are held at a variety of venues, from conference centers to private cabins, generally in vacation areas such as the mountains or beach resorts. Currently, retreats are offered in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee; however, if your group is interested in hosting a retreat for your area, contact Dr. Donna Lane by e-mail to schedule a program.

For a current schedule of upcoming retreats, including availability, costs, dates and locations, or to inquire about scheduling a retreat exclusively for your group, contact Dr. Lane by e-mail. Numbers are limited for each retreat in order to insure adequate individual time for each person in attendance. As the size of each retreat group is limited, it is important that you plan well in advance. A partial deposit will secure your spot.

For information regarding educational programs for your church or group, or to schedule a program, you may e-mail Dr. Lane or call Aletheia Christian Counseling at (770) 985-6011.
