About me

Me and my cute friends

PROM Left-Yola & Wannes Right- Wannes & Joran
Top- Some of my class at PROM Bottom- Wieteke, Wannes, Me & Joran
L- Teaching the strange American custom of removing the garter with your teeth. R- Wieteke & Me
Top- Big group at PROM Bottom- Me & Wannes
T- Dutch Birthday party B- Joran getting what he deserves
Host family- Lieke, Jasper, Jorien, Toon, Ruud, Grandma, Rieky
Nicole, Marjolein and me in Enschede
My great host family in Den Ham
All the guys holding me at PROM!
Me and my friend Yola
Taking Meggie to the airport in Brussles. Joran, Me, Meggie, Yin
Meggie and Wannes under the Eiffel Tower
Getting my tongue pierced
Meggie getting pierced
Me, Meggie and Yin, metal mouths
Uh-oh, Molly with a lethal weapon!
Chris, Rieneke, Me, Joran, Robbert-Jan, Yin, Lieke
Goodbye kisses to Wannes