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My Tongue Piercing Story

Well, after much hard work in convincing my parents to let me get a tongue ring, there I was finally, seated on the piercing table in a room at my favourite place "New Tribe." My piercer Joanne, who also pierced my tragus, was very friendly. I was with my friend Jessica who was getting her navel pierced, but I went first. It was a very quick procedure. She told me how it was going to be done, then I had to stick my tongue out as far as I could so she could make a mark on each side of the tongue as to where the needle would penetrate. Once she showed me in the mirror and I was happy with it, she placed a clamp (same kind that was used on my navel) on my tongue. Then 1-2-3, needle was through, barbell was dropped in. Honestly, no pain. It was so fast! My first reaction was to get up and look in the mirror, it was so cool! I loved it so much, even though it took some getting used to because it's odd to suddenly have a big hunk of metal in your mouth. But now I'm used to it, I have gotten it shortened to a smaller barbell. It is so much fun to play with (especially in front of my parents just to bug them...hehehe!)


The aftercare of a tongue ring is really easy. Mine has healed perfectly! Right after you get it you won't be able to eat solid foods at first. You'll live on yogurt, soup, ice cream, and freezies for the first 2-3 days. After that you should get more used to it. To ease the pain and swelling you are supposed to take midol. Then you must rinse with Listerine 8 times a day for 4 weeks. This means carrying a little bottle with you everywhere you go. So really, it's as easy as that, oh ya, and no kissing for 3 weeks!