Session Start: Tue Oct 13 09:06:42 1998 Session Ident: ManlyMan ( [09:06] what's up today ? nada, you? [09:07] nada [09:07] just startin the day off at work i just got off [09:07] what do you do ? work at 7-11 [09:08] in the springs ? yep [09:09] cool [09:09] any pics of you ? the trip link has recent photos [09:09] cool [09:09] brb k [09:11] where on the pages r u ? on the trip link i'm in every pic wearing a ball cap, breaking the camera [09:15] nice pics, making me horny uh thanks [09:15] into phonesex? uh, no [09:16] k not netsex, not phonesex not anything of the sort [09:16] what then ? i think it's pathetic [09:17] k Session Close: Tue Oct 13 10:43:55 1998 Session Start: Tue Oct 20 21:01:39 1998 Session Ident: ManlyMan ( [21:01] hi [21:01] busy ? not really hi [21:01] a/s/l ? i'm not on aol ask like a human and i'll answer [21:02] age/sex/location ? [21:02] why do you relate that to aol ? it's an aol saying [21:03] ok and it's for fuckin posers (IMO) [21:03] ok (IMO) i live in co spgs [21:03] where r u ? 24 yo [21:03] i'm in heghlands ranch [21:03] 30 [21:03] highlands ah [21:04] what r u in the mood 4 tonight ? um, sleep would be nice, but i have to work [21:05] where ? 7-11 [21:06] ever do phonesex ? no [21:06] want to ? * Renee laughs no [21:07] y? why would i? if i wanted to get laid, i'd do it for real [21:07] we could play around and have fun they have 900 #'s for that though, if you need it [21:08] please ..... are you BEGGING now? [21:08] yes, beg beg beg omg, do you realize how utterly pathetic that is? although it will make a nice addition to my log page [21:09] aaaahhhhhhh [21:09] be g beg beg beg beg [21:09] ther you go and there YOU go [21:09] any pics of you ? enjoy the page, you'll soon be there Session Close: Tue Oct 20 21:23:59 1998