Ok, here's some serious IRC fun...so many idiots, so little time! *grins*

Just to make it perfectly clear, this page is not a slanderous one, it is only here as a behind the scenes look at what goes on everyday in this great world of ours...lovely, isn't it? oh yeah, i should mention like viewer discretion is advised...the following contains some vulgar sh!t *laugh*

I have moved some of the older logs (CF fight and Nick) to my log archive cuz this page was getting a bit too full :)
Ok, the csex log is about the shortest and funniest in my collection so far. There I was, hangin out with Yak in #cyberchat, and along come this nice Malaysian fellow who decided to query me. The boy just didn't know who he was messin with *efg*
Now everyone seems to think that we're always lookin for trouble...that is SOOO not true! Can we help it if trouble just finds us? *grins* The circlejerk log is a perfect example. Gotey and I were hangin in our own channel, just mindin our business, when some weirdo named cash stumbles in. When life throws you an opportunity like that, ya can't just let it go by can ya?
Hmmmmm, doncha love the people who just come to a channel to query people? Those make some of the best logs! *smiles* I mean come on, what chick in her right mind wants to hear some guy beat off? *shaking head*
EFnet is a wonderful place to be...sometimes! It seems we can always count on Markee to come and try to phone sex anyone and everyone...now we HAD an agreement he'd stop, but he broke it, so here's the link once again....stupid stupid boy...and having m cohen in his whois? m as in MARK maybe? Also, WTF was this all about? Anyone have a clue??? It really doesn't pay to have a female nick, but at least some of the time the people who query speak ENGLISH. That isn't always the case, and I think the half assed English is worse than the ones who don't speak it at all. Check this fool for example...I think the log says it all. *shaking head* And of course this guy...I'm still tryin to figure him out. I haven't seen damm around in ages...maybe he gotta life? Then there're the clueless queries...why don't people do /whois's before they try talking to ya? This dude was about the most clueless I've ever met...I'm not lesbian, nor am I BI, nor did I SAY I was anywhere in the log...assumptions are great though :) And like I'm gonna go give some horny luzer a massage? It's a pity I don't have the channel logs of just HOW MANY chicks this dude queried, cuz that would show even better, just how truly pathetic some people can be. Hrmm, I guess some people have nothing better to do at 2am than to desperately search for some serious net sex...don't they make channels for that?
Here are a few logs from various channels in superchat. It's clear to see neither Stanley, errrr, Yelnats (we wouldn't wanna reveal his true identity you know) nor SensualDude have ever heard of the concept of /whois...as in /whois sentinel...as in Sentinel is a bot belonging to serv, and it's kinda obvious (Sentinel is Sentinel@Serv * Serv Multi-Nick v8.44) *shrugs* We need a sign on the door that says "check your stupidity here". Thanks, iCe, for the logs! :)
EFNet, part two...
Here are a few quickies from jeffb and and Pleezer. Anyone remember Damm? Well there he is again...some people never learn. Looks like ManlyMan likes making a habit of these engrossing sexual encounters. I know I am impressed!
Well, that's it for now, but there's always a never ending supply of idiots in IRC, so this page will be added to often! *grins*
Wow, I haven't added to the fun in quite a while...I'll have to see what I can dig up :)

LE FastCounter

Yall come back now, ya hear?

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