[21:35] *** SensualDude (~SensualDu@bay2-410.la.ziplink.net) has joined #Cyberchat [21:35] hiya SensualDude [21:35] hello! [21:36] im new here on this server [21:36] looking around some [21:36] hmmm... [21:37] everyone up in the attic? [21:37] heh i got 3 computers in my room [21:37] ohhh....a 3 way huh...sexy [21:38] -Ta|on- someone break out sentinel [21:38] -OU812dn- ok [21:39] could you perhaps reccomend a few interesting rooms out here for me? [21:40] hey SD how are ya? [21:40] what, baby.. we aint good enough for you here? [21:40] i have no wat to access a list [21:40] -OU812dn- fucking webtv [21:40] well..please dont take me the wrong way ...lol [21:40] -Ta|on- heh [21:40] -OU812dn- go cy [21:40] im quite sure you are MORE than good enough [21:40] come on and try me hunny [21:40] wow... [21:41] im a bit of a romantic though [21:41] -OU812dn- this is 34 to county...we have a fagot here...over [21:41] so wine me and dine me baby [21:41] -Cyanide- roger that 34 [21:41] -Ta|on- um...ok [21:42] so hours and hours of romance and foreplay appeals to you huh... [21:42] -OU812dn- this is 34 to county....we are going to need back up on this one! over [21:42] mmm.. does it EVER [21:42] -Cyanide- roger that 34, sending backup [21:42] -Ta|on- nope i'm not gonna act gay [21:43] the ever so slow burning fires of desire and passion... [21:43] -Ta|on- someones gotta be loggin this [21:43] *** sexy-me (out@srv-11-34.roc.ny.frontiernet.net) has joined #cyberchat [21:43] *** Sentinel sets mode: +o sexy-me [21:43] hiya sexy-me [21:43] until you feel like exploding...and the wildness escapes! [21:44] Hello boys [21:44] -sexy-me- this is 25 I have SD in sight...joining pursuit [21:44] i do have this one delicious fantacy.... [21:44] -Ta|on- have fun guys [21:44] really now, what's taht baby? [21:45] hehe [21:45] to meet a complete stranger on an elevator...in a high rise building [21:45] hi sensual guy [21:45] *** Volt_stuff is now known as Voltaire [21:45] ph [21:45] whoa...is SD new here? [21:45] hello....and ride it to the very top [21:45] who is sexy-me [21:45] stopping it there [21:45] -sexy-me- OU [21:45] ?ah [21:46] hey sent....SD sounds like your type [21:46] mmm.. i've done it :) [21:46] should i stop? i am new here...i dont want to go against protocal here [21:47] nothing is wrong [21:47] it sounds delcious [21:47] a glass elevator...at sunset time [21:47] mirrors on the doors [21:47] -Ta|on- anyone logging ? [21:47] an expansive view of the city [21:47] -OU812dn- no....someone start...and save a backup [21:47] ok [21:47] what else sensual? -> Ops #cyberchat: I always log :P [21:48] -Ta|on- how'd i know that you would ice :) [21:48] then just rip each others cloths off in the heat of passion [21:48] and...? [21:48] two strangers [21:48] yeah [21:49] oh wow [21:49] not even speaking...only with body language [21:49] -Ta|on- you can't tell me this guys for real [21:49] mmmm.. stop it you're making me... mmm myes [21:49] then devouring each other...like prey [21:49] god you're making me so horny -> Ops #cyberchat: just so you know.. all commands sent to serv are logged :) [21:50] you lean up against the rail.... [21:50] your bottom against the cold glass [21:50] -Ta|on- what? [21:50] -Cyanide- damnit that takes the FUN out of it [21:50] -Voltaire- why's that? [21:51] a long deep erotic kiss....as my hands slip down your body slowly [21:51] -Ta|on- this guy is scaring me...please tell me he's not for real [21:51] etc. etc. etc. [21:51] i better stop [21:51] -Voltaire- he can't be for real [21:52] night guys [21:52] *** sexy-me has quit IRC (Order collapses in simultaneous regions. Survival is now unlikely for individuals and groups." -Ian Malcolm) [21:53] so sensual... [21:53] then thers the airplane...the abandoned isle...on and on...lol [21:54] someting about the elevator though [21:54] the thrill...the danger of discovery [21:55] ever see that sex scene in the movie "fatal attraction" [21:55] thats the kind of wildness [21:55] completly out of control [21:55] like 2 animals [21:56] i guess you probably think im nuts...lol [21:56] *** HoneyMuffin (~user@ppp37-20.ght.iadfw.net) has joined #cyberchat [21:56] hiya HoneyMuffin [21:56] hi everybody [21:57] hey sensua [21:57] are you as sensual as i hope? [21:57] im to embarrassed to talk now [21:57] * SensualDude says hello sheepishly [21:58] hey honey [21:58] ... [21:58] i better go..bye now...take care all [21:58] where ya from? [21:58] no [21:58] dont go [21:58] :( [21:58] you're going to make me cry [21:59] well... [21:59] do you want to see me cry? [21:59] i cant have a lady crying [21:59] :( [21:59] *sniffle* [21:59] * SensualDude hands over his hankerchief [21:59] * SensualDude comforts honey..slowly putting his arm around her [22:00] * HoneyMuffin melts in SensualDude's arms [22:00] you know what i've always dreamed about... [22:00] meeting someone in a highrise elevator [22:00] please tell [22:00] oh! [22:00] and just going all out in it! [22:00] my [22:01] ? [22:01] * SensualDude listens intenly...as his mind races out of control [22:01] there' just something about being in the elevator... it just excites me [22:01] i mean what if someone opened the doors? [22:01] -Ta|on- who is hunnymuffin? [22:01] yes... [22:02] the poor mantinence man...lol -> Ops #cyberchat: Cy on a wingate [22:02] -Voltaire- hehe, you guys rule [22:02] -Cyanide- thanks [22:02] -Ta|on- this is ammusing [22:02] hopefully that wont happen [22:03] and you release the button...at just the moment of orgasum [22:03] dropping fast [22:03] mmmmmmmmm... yes [22:03] to the bottom [22:03] whoosh [22:03] oooh my god you know me too well :) [22:03] the desperation [22:03] hehe [22:04] -Voltaire- he's falling for it! [22:04] the wanton lust [22:04] -Voltaire- someone HAS to be loggint this [22:04] -Ta|on- ice logs everything [22:04] burning fire in the eyes as they lock [22:05] sensual, would you like to find a elevator somewhere with me? [22:05] i would indeed honey [22:05] a nice long one [22:06] i left out a lot of the more delicious things [22:06] its hard to describe [22:06] *** Ta|on has quit IRC (Read error to Ta|on[m9711.direcpc.net]: Connection reset by peer) [22:06] how you would feel [22:06] what you would do [22:07] how you would wind together [22:07] finding the ways to please eachother [22:07] mmmm [22:07] yes [22:08] going fron loving tenderness [22:08] i want you to RAVAGE me [22:08] to absolute wildness [22:08] yes [22:08] mmmm [22:09] i want to feel you from the inside [22:09] want to leave the light on..or off [22:09] off [22:09] more mystery that way [22:09] ok...good [22:10] we still have the light of the sunset [22:10] the mirrored dorrs to see...i love to watch [22:10] mm.. i want you to cover me in butter [22:11] i like to see the eyes...looking into them [22:11] and lick it off every inch of my hot, steamy body [22:11] seeing the passion [22:12] i would peel your cloths off you....and kneel before your rose [22:12] i can FEEL you passion [22:12] and slowly...your flower would blossom [22:12] you're making me all wet, sensualdude -> Ops #cyberchat: this is one reason why Text Sex sucks, heh [22:13] -Voltaire- amn [22:13] -Voltaire- amen [22:13] -Cyanide- LOL [22:13] g'night guys [22:13] you would feel my heat...as i leaned in closer [22:14] i dont think ill ever come back here...lol....this has gone way to far [22:14] no it hasn't [22:14] it hasn't [22:14] just TAKE ME NOW [22:14] this happens all the time in here [22:14] :) [22:14] RAVAGE ME! [22:14] treat me like an animal [22:15] oh my god! there is 6 people watching me [22:15] imagine we're the ppl who walked in the elevator [22:15] ignore them [22:15] well....do you have all night? [22:15] -Voltaire- what an oblivious fool [22:15] mmm.. baby we have as long as it takes [22:15] i dont just jump and run [22:16] *** OU812dn has quit IRC (Order collapses in simultaneous regions. Survival is now unlikely for individuals and groups." -Ian Malcolm) [22:16] :) [22:16] and sex in the shower...ohh [22:17] wet skin [22:17] oh my god you're turning me on sensual [22:17] so sexy [22:17] sex in the shower is always a pantload of fun [22:17] the hands slip over the wet hot naked flesh [22:18] getting all soapy together SensualDude: what would you do if your lady friend fell asleep while you were.. doing whatever you're doing [22:18] wash me sensual [22:18] nothing like being bathed...mmmmm [22:18] im typing [22:19] you...are the one who is mysteriously quiet [22:19] hmm [22:19] yawwn [22:19] I'm tired [22:20] get some rest [22:20] I'll be dreaming of your wild and passionate sex tonight, Sensual! [22:20] good...lol [22:20] And nothing else! [22:20] if you run out...add in love on the shorline [22:20] ok! [22:20] as the waves break over you [22:20] goodnight! [22:21] rolling around [22:21] yeah [22:21] sandy... [22:21] like in that movie [22:21] salty [22:21] yes [22:21] hmm..lots of sand in the underwear [22:21] mmmmm [22:21] you're making me so horny [22:21] get away from him, slut! [22:21] he's mine! [22:21] shut up you little whore, get away from my man! [22:21] what underware... [22:22] they were gone long ago [22:22] That's so like you Rhonda, you just go around acting as if every hot guy is suddenly YOUR's! [22:22] You bitch! [22:22] You Monica Lewinsky wannabe [22:22] fuck you acting like you know me [22:22] shit wrong channel [22:22] hahaha [22:22] its an abandoned island....so who cares [22:23] were living on love, and cocunuts coconut milk is good [22:23] sensual [22:23] how old are you honey? [22:23] honey [22:23] mmmm [22:23] 41 [22:23] i'm 19, but that's okay [22:23] -Voltaire- no way! [22:23] do you want my picture baby? [22:24] im not on a puter [22:24] :( [22:24] oh it's a shame [22:24] -Voltaire- oh god.. [22:24] i can recieve jpegs [22:24] i have some nice nude poses of me [22:24] but it dosent matter [22:24] do you want them? [22:24] i would love them [22:24] its just [22:25] that i cant send you mine [22:25] it dosent seem fair [22:25] that's okay baby [22:25] here's my webpage -> Ops #cyberchat: this guy has problems if he's being serious... [22:26] did you get it okay hunny? [22:26] ok...a pretty name [22:27] very nice to meet you [22:28] goodnight [22:28] bye voltie [22:28] *** Voltaire has quit IRC ( like i said damn foreigners, they're all irritating...'specially the hornballs from malaysia) [22:32] *** Draugrbane (Draugrbane@pppt01-35.ght.iadfw.net) has joined #cyberchat [22:32] *** Sentinel sets mode: +o Draugrbane [22:33] hi bane [22:33] *** Muffin (robsav@max6-9.dial.accucomm.net) has joined #Cyberchat [22:33] whatup dogg? [22:34] i am 17 and i want to chat to someone under 21 [22:34] anyone here [22:34] i'm a 19/f [22:34] 18/m [22:34] i am a f [22:35] from GA I'm a 17/m [22:35] ah [22:35] what's up muffin? [22:35] whats ya'll race [22:36] i race NASCAR and Baja [22:36] heh I race Indy [22:36] *** supermuffin (rae@port17.owosso04.tir.com) has joined #Cyberchat [22:36] *** Sentinel sets mode: +o supermuffin whoa, we have 3 muffins lol [22:36] three muffins? [22:37] hey you theives [22:37] stealing my name [22:37] but I dont care [22:37] because I am a SUPER muffin [22:37] so I am bester [22:37] so there [22:37] :Þ [22:37] supermuffin, would you like to join SensualDude and i? [22:37] where ya'll (iCe or Cyanide) from [22:37] i'm from New York [22:37] supermuffin kiss my ass [22:37] ummmmmmmm [22:38] join sensualdude and you in what? [22:38] lol [22:38] I was fuckin joking [22:38] mmm.. join us for group sex? [22:38] that what i thought [22:38] ummmmm [22:38] I think I'll pass [22:38] your sick [22:38] awww :( [22:38] unless you're talking about real life I'm from Ontario [22:38] lol [22:38] I was just now sooooooo totally joking [22:39] *** HoneyMuffin has quit IRC (Good Night everyone) [22:39] brb.. goin to the corner whore (the RIT name for the corner store) [22:39] *** Cyanide is now known as Cy-brb [22:40] iCe are you French [22:41] no [22:41] hes ice Non, je ne suis pas une francophone [22:41] lot of muffins in here [22:41] thats because muffins are awesome [22:41] indeed [22:41] je na pas Francis [22:41] especially super ones...lol [22:42] deffinitely parlez-vous francais Muffin? [22:42] us super muffin's (there are few of us in existence) kick ass [22:42] muffins are the boom [22:42] hrms [22:42] I am not a boom [22:42] fuck you [22:43] why is everyone being incredibly rude to me tonight? [22:43] iCe what does that mean [22:43] I think I am being pretty fucking nice [22:43] buuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttt [22:43] since you're gonna be like that [22:43] fuck you too I take that as a no... it meant.. 'Do you speak french?' [22:43] yeah buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [22:44] yeah whateva [22:44] yer just bein a bitch cuz you think you're just cool [22:44] but......... [22:44] hate to break it to ya [22:44] No i don't speak french i speak english or spanish [22:44] plain muffin's suck [22:44] * Draugrbane Hugs supermuffin "Am i Bein Rude To ya's? [22:44] * supermuffin hugs zach back "of course not" :) [22:44] *** JasonR (blah@slip-11.bard.edu) has joined #cyberchat [22:44] interesting room here...ill have to come back some time [22:45] fuck you you suck bitch [22:45] ok [22:45] *** JasonR is now known as JasonR_brb speaking of bitches... [22:45] ooooooh heya JR =) [22:45] that was just the BEST come back I have ever heard [22:45] fuck you, you suck [22:45] I love that [22:45] and you even added bitch to it [22:45] to make it even MORE unoriginal [22:45] Ice, nice to see you too bee-aaahh-ttchh. :) [22:45] find a life and quit trying to pick fights with people on the net [22:45] cuz just so you know heh [22:45] its utterly pointless [22:45] Whatcha been up to besides lazin around this shit hole huh? [22:45] because ya know what? [22:46] I will never see you in my lifetime [22:46] I been doin tech support in corporations in NYC....kicks ass. [22:46] and you will never see me ah [22:46] I dunno, Ice may kick your ass. [22:46] :) [22:46] and so its totally pointless to fight about whatever the hell you are pissed off at me about [22:46] iCe are going to talk to me or not [22:46] just so ya know that is [22:46] ice, what did I walk into? [22:46] heheheh... heh [22:46] why would he want to talk to you? [22:46] same old shit... [22:46] you are unoriginal [22:46] ive got supermuffin ahead on points...how do you score it [22:46] lol [22:47] I am just intelligent and original [22:47] ah you all fucken talk talk talk, go out and get a job u shmucks! Ice, u r still in school right? What u plannin to do dude? heh I had to turn down a job from netscape today :/ * iCe kicks school's ass heh [22:47] what do you look like iCe [22:47] rabinowitz [22:47] watch yer ass [22:47] Shit man, why? u coulda handled that! [22:47] dont call me a shmuck [22:47] not enough$$$? [22:47] woho [22:47] ok....muffin....pish! [22:48] ya know I have school, It would be kinda hard for me to get a working visa in the states (I'm under 18), I don't wanna move to California, not enough money, etc [22:48] I never liked you [22:48] lol [22:48] seriously, why not? Netscape is good enough to slave away for 2 years or so before going to...oh..J.P Morgan. [22:48] ah [22:48] ic. [22:48] oh well... [22:48] there are always openings. [22:48] I worked at SIAC....a securities corp. [22:48] they handle digital security for NYSE and AMEX. [22:48] iCe what the hell do you look like cool [22:48] shit, made a fortune. [22:49] yeah, tech shit brings in the bucks. [22:49] i goin back next year... [22:49] be nice muffin I'm a professional muscian now, heh [22:49] you wont get anywhere being mean Muffin: I look human [22:49] lol [22:49] NUH UH ICE [22:49] dont you lie like dat [22:49] you KNOW you look like a martian [22:49] now just admit it [22:49] *said in the gayest voice she can muster* [22:50] you don't have to be smart about it iCe [22:50] why not? [22:50] but College kicks ass right now... [22:50] hes smart [22:50] *** Draugrbane (Draugrbane@pppt01-35.ght.iadfw.net) has left #cyberchat my school sucks, heh OAC is boring as hell (gr. 13) [22:51] *** SensualDude (~SensualDu@bay2-410.la.ziplink.net) has left #Cyberchat [22:51] bye [22:51] hold on, my food showed up. [22:51] peanut butter? [22:51] oh damn [22:51] *** SensualDude (~SensualDu@bay2-410.la.ziplink.net) has joined #Cyberchat [22:51] *** Muffin has quit IRC (Leaving) [22:51] *** SensualDude (~SensualDu@bay2-410.la.ziplink.net) has left #Cyberchat