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Cyric's Chat & Cheats Page

Are you tired of spending hours online trying to find good chat lines or game cheat sites? Well if you are this is your answer, it includes many different sites which I have chosen and prefer. Simply go down to the bottom of the page and click on the place you want to go! If you would like me to add a free link to your site please go to the bottom of the page and click on Cyric's link exchange program. Out of the 12 selections there is my favouite, the online games, and they're free! TANK FORCE is a great game, you obviously control a tank, but you drive it around in complete 3D worlds. And you play against opponents who are online too. The best part is, is that you can blow your best friend's ass off. Enjoy the site. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please E-Mail me by clicking on my address at the bottom of the page. Please sign my guest book. Visit my chat line, tell a friend about it and you can have regular conversations for free. Free registrarion will only take a moment. Thanks, Cyric.

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The Best Chat Lines & Cheat Sites

  • Chat House
  • Talk City
  • Starlite Cafe
  • WBS
  • The wonderful world of talkers
  • Happy Puppy Game Cheats
  • Jon's Nintendo 64 Cheat Page
  • Game Fanatic
  • Echo Software
  • The Saturn Codes Depot
  • PC Cheats
  • Online Games!

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Chat House- Awesome chat place