
yes, the lazy-eyed maniac is back...

It's been a while since I've put any bits up on the site, so I thought I'd do a new challenge for the faithful. The rules are the same as the other challenges we've done. First to finish a designated serving of a beverage wins. For this challenge, we chose that sweet Mexican ambrosia, Tampico. For those of you who aren't in-the-know, Tampico is a sunny delight-type juice drink concoction. It is a delightful nectar, imported from south of the border. Indeed, the fates did smile on me that day: Tampico was on sale for $.99 a gallon at the local supermarket.

The victims particpants:

Me. The creator of this horrid website.
Brian. Co Worker from the Avaya days.
Sean. Returning participant, veteran.
Bobby. This youngster manned-the-fuck up when most of my contemporaries were complaining about lower back pain.
Elisa. Egg nog challenge champion. Can she repeat her dominating performance from Xmas?

Next: The Challenge, Joined...