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Colin's Home Page

Visit Keenan's Home Page
Visit Tristan's Home Page
Camping at Go Home Lake
Read my Guestbook !
Sign my Guestbook !
My resume
Arnprior (Canada) on the map !
Keenan's graduation picture

Our family

PERSONAL-My name is Colin Whittaker, and I have a wife Kathy and two boys Keenan and Tristan, Kathy is a PSW and works in Ottawa. Keenan lives in Seattle and works for Microsoft, Tristan is in Ottawa, working at Independant Grocers Ontario.

Kathy and I live in the village of Stewartville, west of Arnprior along with our dog Kia and our cat Samantha.

Sammy and Kia

My brother and sister and their respective families all live in the Orangeville/Shelburne area, unfortunately I don't get to see them as much as I would like to.

Go to Orangeville info!

Go to Adrian and Laurie!

My newest baby

Some sci-fi favorites



Babylon5***Doctor Who***Stargate SG1

Last date partly revised 17th October 2009
