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The I Support The Free Speech For Marilyn Manson Campaign

since 6/13/97

I started this campaign to let people know that they can not suppress our favorite bands anymore. There are many people that are anti-Manson, and the only reason that they are against the band is because of stupid lies that were spread about them. These lies have caused many problems for the band AND the fans. Here are some of the problems that have occured from people trying to ban Marilyn Manson.

In Anchorage, Alaska, a city assembly member and church groups suggested that the adults buy all the tickets to the Manson show to keep the younger people from seeing them live.

In Las Cruces, New Mexico,the Manson concert was cancelled because the promoter said that he could not find enough security. Off duty police officers that are usually used for such shows refuted the claims.

A Governor in Oklahoma told the press that "These people are peddling garbage."

In Columbia, S.C., the University of South Carolina used a buy-out clause in its contract to cancel the show after the University was pressured by the community.

In Richmond, Va., the city manager announced that the show was cancelled because the band was "not consistant with community standards." But after the manager and the city council were threatened with a lawsuit by the ACLU they reluctantly backed down.

For all these reasons and others, I started this campaign to help support Marilyn Manson. If you also want to be a part of the I support free speech for Marilyn Manson campaign, here is what you need to do:
Insert this Code into your page where you want the ribbon to go. Also Email me telling me that you linked your page to this one and I will make a link page for all the people that support this campaign.

Today it's Marilyn Manson's rights that they are trying to take away, tommorrow it will be your rights. Support this campaign and let people know that you will not tolerate yours or anyone else's rights to be taken away. Email me at

People who support this campaign.


Neil Gibson

The Dying Years







KlD Kid


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