Dear (title-full name), {address the Politician personally}

I am writing to you today to lend your support ot the FCC's new proposed LPFM (Low Power FM) service.

Since the early 80's, the number of major media corporations has dwindled to a scant 10. These media conglomerates control an overwhelming majority of what Americans see, hear and read, completely homogenizing the pool of available news, education and information. Minority and alternative views are being tossed aside in favor of "tabloid-style journalism", as well as hourly doses of sex, scandals, horror and carnage. All presented with stock quotes running along the bottom, because of course they know "what their viewers really want". The major media giants are only interested in titillation and profits, not the interests of their customers and the country as a whole. This only drives a wedge between the will of the people and their elected representatives, as special media interests continue to stifle any voice other than their own. The Telecommuncations Act of 1996 has only aided the corporations and forced smaller minority voices off our countries airwaves, ensuring more profits for the major corporations. Information starved citizens are forced to turn to these major news sources for stories and views on issues which they find relevant to their own lives and communities, but are coming up increasinly empty handed.

I urge you to support the FCC & Chairman William Kennard, and to let the telelcommunications subcommittee members know that your constituents are demanding a voice in their communities.

Thank you for your time, and consideration in this matter.


(your name printed and signed)