William E. Kennard
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20554

March 10, 1999

Dear Mr, Kennard,

I am writing this letter to ask for your continued support of the creation of a new class of FM radio service - Low Power FM Service (LPFM).

In recent years, media corporations have become fewer in number, yet control more of what every American reads, hears, and sees. They are becoming somewhat like fast-food chains; we receive homogenized information - geared to what will provide profits. It is increasinly rare to receive alternative or minority views or any community-oriented information regarding local events or actviites. Low power FM would counter this trend and open oup the radio medium to smaller organizations, local voices, and original programming.

On the business side, low power FM would offer lower cost adverytising for small local businesses which are incredeasinly unable to afford air time on large, corporately-owned radio stations. Further, it would offer non-ratings driven formats that would create opportunities for local talent to have a forum for broadcast in music and talk; which could address views and air music significant to the unique culture of the broadcast area. This would be truly important and refreshing since the national media corporations now broadcast a similar product in every market in the United States.

For these reasons, please continue your support and please let the Telecomminications Sub-Committee members know that the American people are very eager to see theis LPFM Service approved, and once again have a voice on the airwaves in their communities.

Thank you for your help.


(name, signed and printed)