The Honorable Mark Udall
1333 West 120th Avenue, Suite 210
Westminster, CO 80234

Dear Mr. Udall,

As a small business owner, local music listener and music enthusiast, it has come to my attention that the FCC will be voting on bringing back licenses for micro-powered FM transmitters. These transmitters are disigned to broadcast in small regions of cities or towns. If you did not notice, the family, and small business owned stations in Denver have been bought up by large corporations such as JACOR out of Cincinnati and others. (I am wondering about anti-trust laws here?) They seem to have little concern for our local needs as listeners and advertisers.

As a small business owner I would love to have the opportunity to purchase commercials on the air. At this time I cannot afford to mount an effective advertising campaign due to the high costs of the large corporately owned stations. A micro powered station would bring cost effective advertising to our area.

As a listener, I find that my choices are becoming more and more limited, due to the "out of town" ownership of our local air ways. A micro powered station would bring diversity to our area.

Please look closely at the impact of this legislation, and try to remember that we deserve a truly free market for the airwaves in Colorado.

Thanks again,

(name, signed and printed)