The hardisk is one of the weakest links in the computer and it has a great impact on overall system performance. Much time is wasted as the processor sits around waiting for the hardisk to feed it data. I don't have many hardisks and here are just a few benchmarks I have run on the hardisks that are avaliable to me. I use the CheckHD 0.99c programme to benchmark the hardisks.
1. Quantum Fireball TM 3200AT
2. Quantum Fireball 1280AT
3. Seagate ST3145A
The test system is as follows
CPU: Cyrix 6x86 P200+ (75x2)
Motherboard: Abit SM5
Chipset: Intel Triton VX
Level 2 Cache: 512Kb Pipeline Burst
Main Memory: 32Mb 10ns Fujitsu SDRAM
Video Card: Diamond Stealth 2000 3D
Video Memory: 2MB EDO DRAM
Monitor: Sony SFII 15" Trinitron
CD-ROM: Optics Storage Maverick 16x
Hardisk | Size/Mb | Rotational Speed/RPM | Overall Score |
Quantum Fireball TM 3200AT | 3200 | 4500 | 2.35 |
Quantum Fireball 1280AT | 1280 | 5400 | 2.65 |
Seagate ST3145A | 130 | ? | 1.00 |
The 2.65 score of the Fireball 1280AT does not tally with the score published by the author of CheckHD (2.40). The reason I was given when I emailed the author was that the programme was "over compensating" for a certain factor. Even the 2.35 scored by the Fireball TM 3200AT is higher than the 2.25 reported by the author. The same goes for the Seagate ST3145A... something special in my system perhaps? Sadly, the author of CheckHD is now suffering from RSI (repetitive stree injury) and is not able to make any modifications to the CheckHD programme. I wish him a speedy recovery!