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what they never tell you is that once you get on this looking glass trip, it never stops.

it doesn‘t matter that you can‘t remember when you asked the question, or what compelled you to,
but only that the revelations never end.
there are days when it seems that schizophrenics have it easy, when the narrative is so close to the surface that the day seems spent beneath a skylight.
the feel of flow is the spice of this life, symbols as art the rudder of kybernetes. exploration is more a matter of self-defense than chutzpa, the all-important need to stay afloat. introspection is the holy inquisition that puts ossification to the pyre.

awareness does not need light.

things start to seem strange, or at least deviant to prior modes. innocuous juxtapositions of sound and image become whispered strains of the ophitic promise. surreal moments chant the om of antisense meditation in synchrony. allowing the fear to flow through you is a good way to avoid killing yourself. sanity is an inevitable casualty; maintaining sustainable interactions with your environment is an imperative.

the when of life mutates uncontrollably, synchronicity moments emerging as nonlocal events. there are 23 chromosomes in a human gamete. conceiving the lifetime as the moment when now is the only thing that‘s real.

time is not something a clock measures.

the evidence of your five senses become the usual suspects, corralled for interrogation with knowledge of their duplicitious nature. [insert random optical illusion] the subject overthrows the object in the fall of sensorium idolatry. with the kingdom of knowledge in ashes, the subject dissolves.

an emergent phoenix rises as the morning sun, the pantheon of sensation as heir to the pentarchy of perception. hidden vistas become the archetype of inspiration, rather than harbringers of ragnarok.

you do not see with your eyes.

emerging to vista, the terrain unfolds. topology is determined by path dependency: valleys the most probable, peaks attainable by the expenditure of energy, plateaus as playgrounds of possibility. forms on the brink of emergence swim like dolphins immediately beneath the waves.
sources shine in the logarithmic peaks, potential flowing from them like magma. extending and defining the surface, they recede from view as they grow the realm.

you do not move without creation.
