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Cassandra Speed - Melise

The dream was the first thing he tried after mulling it over for years in his head. after boiling it down to the dream. A constant barrage of silk talkers and stark recollections had come like solicitors every Sunday evening. Suddenly he remembered the ring...
and the reason for the thing.
Speed had retired to the right lane to rest for a moment..
he tried to sleep standing up or pay attention to the spattered bugs on the glass or just listen to what she said but none of the pictures were as desperately beautiful as the rotted space between her thought and her lungs.
A slight case of soul asthma rusted the clutch so the gears would grrrind and the rattle always turned her on...
she used to grab ahold of her crotch and rock forward in her seat. right on the highway...
making peepers of every tom that looked that way. That turned her on too. Nothing was that desperate. Nothing that beautiful.
Once, when the pills wore off and they had gotten back on the road, she had a bad hallucination of a highjacking and went into a fit in the back seat Speed just tried to keep the peace with the one holding the gun. That’s one thing about Speed..
he aIways knows who’s holding the gun.
Anyway it was the dream that was the last thing he tried. He had mulled it over and had to decide when to pull and when to push the issue.
...Some days Cassandra had unexplained welts on her thighs. That was a good one. But Cassandra was useless now. Flailing like a fish in the back there. If he only had taken those French lessons his mother had paid for in fifth grade he could have talked them out of it...shit he could have talked himself out of it...
and that’s when Cass started breathing queer
(and by queer I mean odd)
...spitting blood out like she was purposefully frightening the highjackers just to get it from them. Speed was all too familiar with this trick.In boarding school he had been the guy that was caught jerking off under the bleachers watching the wrestling team. Some times he jerked off to the thought of getting caught jerking off
...that really did it for him...
That and Cassandra...
and of course the unexplained welts on her thighs. Sitting here with her dying in the back seat was kind of a turn on too and he flipped into a stranger’s life.
Where he loves his life as a suit - making a hundred grand a year on the loss of other. Where he goes home to a beautiful wife who won’t do it doggy style. Won’t suck his dick. Where he sleeps fine. Where he complains mostly about not enough time and not enough tv and not enough rush. Where he wakes up to the telephone rrring...
And: There’s someone named Cass on the phone.
Cassandra Speed. Despite the nagging urge to come...
—Altogether clean—
Speed answers the phone, turns back to the dream.


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