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IF ONLY FOR YOU (1995)					
YOU’RE NOT ME (1995)						
JUST RIGHT (1996)						
THE COMET (1992)						
THE GLOW (1998)						
I’VE BEEN THINKING (1992)					
JUST A GLANCE (1995)						
OPEN UP (1994)							
OUT OF MY WINDOW (1993)					
A MAN I KNEW (1993)						
I AM (1993)								
OH WHAT A DAY (1993)						
HELLO (1993)							
COME WITH ME (1993)						
THE DAY MAY COME (1993)					
WOW! (1993)							
LOVE (1993)							
THE POWER OF ONE (1994)					
PEOPLE SAY (1994)						
THE GLORY OF IT ALL (1994)					
THE TIMES (1994)						
BE THOU WITH ME (1994)					
IT BECKONS TO ME (1994)					
NOBODY EVER  (1995)						
THERE IT IS (1995)						
SURFING (1998)							
PERFORMING (1998)						
WAITING (1995)							
WHAT WE CAN BE (1995)					
DREAMS OF A CHILD (1995)					
SO LONG (1992)							
TODAY (1992)							
YOU LISTENING? (1995)					
THINGS (1995)							
IF ONLY (1992)							
NOT THERE (1995)						
WHY MUST IT BE? (1996)					
A SIMPLE SMILE (1996)						
SEPERATE (1992)							
EACH STEP (1996)						
LET ME KNOW (1996)						
HOW COULD IT BE (1996)					
THE CHILL (1998)							
FRIENDS LIKE YOU (1996)					
WHAT MUST I DO? (1996)					
MY HEROES (1996)						
ASK TOO MUCH (1996)						
GREAT MUSIC (1996)						
IRRITATING (1996)					
WE’LL REMEMBER (1996)					
I NEED TO KNOW (1996)					
JUDGING (1996)							
ANYTHING (1997)							
ONCE MORE (1997)						
THE LAST GOOD-BYE (1997)					


As time goes by,
It's becoming clearer,
Each and every day,
This world can't get any better.
So I shudder and hide,
Waiting for another twist.
But if only for you,
I'll keep going on.

It seems harder and harder,
To turn my frown into a smile.
Life seems so unfair,
To those of us,
Who deserve a little more.
The walls seem to hard to knock down.
But if only for you,
I'll find a way to get by.

Why should I try,
To understand why.
I know I'll just hit a new turn.
It just seems to me,
It would be easier to stop,
And not bother with it anymore.
But if only for you,
I'll always see my way through.

Smooth nothingness
A boy
     Great ideas
     Beautiful imagination
     Wonderful fantasies
     Filled with all thoughts
A short-lived dream
Start over
Begin anew

How can we compare,
Who you are,
To who I am.
It can not be,
'Cause I'm not you,
And you're not me.
Can I be as good as you,
In all that you do,
And can you do the same with me?
It's just not meant to be,
'Cause I'm not you,
And you're not me.

What is
Just Right?
Is it having it all?
Or being a part of who's who?
Help me find, 
Show me how to get there,
I want,
What is,
Just right.
Can it be found in a store,
No, sorry,
You must find it in your heart.
That's where you'll find it.
What is right will come,
No need to look,
Just take a moment,
Let it come.
Stop and wait,
Then you'll know,
Take my word.
Open up to it,
It'll be there

A beautiful heavenly body,
Floating through space,
Going through time,
Uselessly lonely, 
Never finished, 
Traveling aimlessly,
Wanting an end,
Amazing all but itself,
Wishing for better,
Getting nothing.

Who ruined the world,
        Our beautiful planet?
What made them do it,
        Ruin our beautiful planet?
When did we finally realize,
        The destruction of our beautiful planet?
Where should we go for help,
        To fix our beautiful planet?
Why did this happen,
        The demise of our beautiful planet?

The glow has suddenly appeared,
As the size of a small candle light.
This can’t be my end,
I don’t think I’m ready to see that glow.

It stealthly grows larger,
While my anxiety pains hopscotch,
In the bowels of my being.
This glow can’t be meant for me now!

Suddenly I see how silly I’ve been,
I forgot that I was traveling through a tunnel.
The glow now includes the pines,
And other evergreen trees.

I’m surrounded by the radiance of the light,
Now that I’ve passed through this mountain.
I worried for nothing,
How strange of me to forget.

I wonder what will happen to me
Next time?

I've been doing a bit of thinking today.
     How I could have fun,
        And life would be great.
     How to do things right,
        And not do things wrong.
     How to make the future bright,
        And to make myself look good.
     How to help others out,
        And not just myself.
     How to make the best of what I've got,
        And dream of what I might someday have.
I've been thinking.

The day may seem to go along,
Just like any other day.
You wish for something,
To bring some excitement.
Then when you are on the verge,
Of giving up the notion,
Something happens.
You catch her glance,
Just for a moment,
But it feels like magic.
You just don't know why,
That things of such simplicity,
And it somehow makes the day seem perfect.
The feel of her soft eyes,
Gazing your way.
The touch of smile,
That rolls up her cheek.
It may mean nothing,
Or maybe it means all.
Even if it is,
Just a glance.

Open up and let me in.
I don't mean you any harm.
Just let me know what's wrong.
I'll try to help the best I can.
Just open up and let me in.

I looked out of my window, 
To see what was going on.

Outside of my window,
Nothing stirred,
Nor made a sound.

As if by command,
A breeze began it's soft, gentle blow,
Making the view from outside my window change.

I saw a squirrel run into a tree,
Making no thought about you or me.
His cheeks were filled to the brim with nuts,
The tree must be his home,
Or maybe just nature's warehouse.

Next came a boy, 
Bursting from his quiet home,
Full of excitement.
He knew when to be happy,
For spring time was here,
His favorite time for fun and glee.

From two doors down,
There came a girl you see.
She was prim and proper,
Made of sugar and all.
And she came to watch that boy her age, 
Who knew she was there,
Turning red from her stare.

Ah yes, it is spring,
What more could make it better?

Wait, I do know one thing,
A spring's not complete,
With out one special part.

A robin,
Of course,
Is the thing that I mean.
We need to hear it's beautiful song,
Before any new rebirth is complete.

And I bet, 
That even when no bird is in sight,
Listen ever so closely,
I'm sure that you'll hear,
That robin singing any day of the year.

So spring can always stay near your heart,
Never letting you be glum,
Just remember what I said,
And happiness will be with you forever.

I once knew a man,
Who didn't give a care.

He never stopped to say hello,
Or greet you in any way.

He refused to say good-bye or good-day,
Whenever he went on his way.

He'd complain and rant,
If he thought something shouldn't be done.

The man was very nosy,
Putting himself in every one's business.

It meant nothing to him,
If you complained of his ways.

He'd give an "oh bother,"
And go on his way.

So try as we did,
That man never let down.

He continued to poke and prod,
Snoopy in every way.

He'll never pay attention,
If you say "howdy-do".

He'll just pass you on by,
With no thought of you at all.

We just hope that someday,
He'll change and say hello.

And we really wouldn't mind,
Not a little bit at all,
If someday he would say a simple,
Get out of my way.

But that day won't come,
Not soon,
Or even a little latter.

That man died the other day...
Oh well,
Oh bother.

I am always thinking.
Working to understand.
I wonder why I'm here.
Working to see my purpose.
I hear what I want to hear.
Working to not let things upset me.
I see many things.
Working to block that which is bad.
I want to know all that I can.
Working to make the most of my life.
I am always thinking.
I pretend that nothing can go wrong.
Working to make the world perfect.
I feel lucky to exist.
Working to show that I am always worthwhile.
I touch that which comes in reach.
Working to help that which might need me.
I worry about everything.
Working for the best.
I cry when I worry to much.
Working to hard.
I am always thinking.
I understand very little.
Working to know all that there is.
I say what I think.
Working to get my point across.
I dream the world is perfect.
Working to make myself feel better.
I try to do my best.
Working to make the most for myself.
I hope that things will turn out all right.

Today was a day,
That never will I forget.
It was one of those,
That leaves you content.
Even though you might think,
That it was tough at the start.
It turned out all right,
When it came to an end.

How are you?
Is life treating you well?
Do you enjoy every minute,
That comes your way?
Can you make this time,
What it really can be?
What do you feel?
Does time seem to roll on,
Never looking back?
Do you feel that nothing can last?
Well it can.
Just remember,
A moment is just a moment.
A memory is forever.

Many years ago you left me,
You went to that wonderful place.

You treated me to the best,
Gave me what I wanted,
And took me to a place I'd never seen before.

You did all that to prepare me,
And I never understood what was happening.

Others saw your struggle,
And you gave them all some courage.

But when you stayed in your bed,
Or went to see the doctor,
It just seemed like a common thing to me.

But then one day,
I was left in a lurch.

When I saw them take you to the hospital,
It gave me a sudden start.

What's wrong?
What's going on?
Is this really happening to me?

Then they told me you were gone.

Gone where?
Gone why?
Is this really happening to me?

But they said it was okay.
You had gone somewhere wonderful.
That wonderful place.

I will join you again,
In that wonderful place.

I know a place,
Just come with me.
I can show you this place,
If you come with me.
In this place,
Dreams can come true.
Come with me,
You too can see this place.
It's not far away,
Not much distance at all.
It's where everything can happen,
Or even nothing at all.
This place can be loved,
Cherished to the fullest extent.
Some leave it go,
Don't give it a second thought.
This place is felt in your mind,
Just come with me.
It's your imagination you see,
You can do all that you wish there.
Everything you desire,
Wish for and more,
Can come in your grasp.
Just come with me,
I'll show you.
Come with me,
Or better yet,
Go there yourself.
Make the most of it.

The day may come,
When every one is happy.
The day may come,
When we can enjoy all in life.
The day may come,
When there is peace everywhere.
The day may come,
When nothing can go wrong.
But it doesn't appear,
Of this day ever arriving.
So let's make this life the best,
With what we've got.
Try to enjoy the day we have.

The easiest things in life are plentiful.
You can put in very little effort,
Then it's over so quickly.
That which is hard,
Is also plentiful.
It takes more, however.
You must work,
And give it all you've got.
It lasts longer,
But more rewards will come your way.

Look where I am now.
I've entered into,
What could be the best time of my life.
The road could be long,
With bumps of unhappiness.
But the happiness,
And all the good times,
Will outnumber them by far.
So off I go,
Into the adventure of a lifetime.
And when I'm threw,
I hope things will have turned out well.
That I will be on the road to success,
Remembering my alma mater,

The breeze sails gently through the trees,
Perfecting natures symphony.
While all the angels fill the heavens,
To put their spotlights on us.
Let’s dance among the stars.
Forget about your stress and strain,
For tonight they vanished with the sun.
Leave all your deadlines behind,
And I’ll part from mine as well.
Nothing else matters now,
Except coming together,
In a magical ball for two.
This melody could last till dawn,
Just come with me,
And we’ll dance among the stars.

Of all the things in life,
One thing may never be answered.
Why must there be love?
We might not ever come,
To what we think is the best conclusion.
It's confused many for centuries,
And continues to confuse today.
Who can you love?
When is the time right?
Why must there be heartbreak?
If there is one,
Who feels they're in love,
Then somewhere there's a rule,
For many the fool whom this may be.
To many a time,
You can't seem to draw the same feeling.
To many,
Love is just a game,
That can't last forever.
Many who vow to love another,
Can't keep the promise.
Then there's some special few,
Who somehow connect.
And it just works,
The love stays.
But still no one,
Not even those who have really known it,
Will ever explain love.

It never seems like much.
What can one person,
Just a single soul,
Do for anything in this crowded world?
Most people think,
That the answer is zero.
Well, if you know anything at all,
One small thing,
You should know that this is wrong.
One person can have an idea,
The task of thinking doesn't require two.
If that person feels strong enough,
There is definitely something that they can do.
Always believe,
And never let down.
Because then, well,
You may never know.
Maybe someone will catch on,
And carry your feeling too.
Then it can grow,
To something unimaginable.
Wouldn't that be great?
Your idea could soar to wonderful places.
There is also the possibility,
That you would just leave it and not care.
This would be a crime,
Stopping the power of one.
You could make the difference,
So always let your feelings be known.
The power of one,
Is the greatest thing in this world,
That we may ever know.

People say we're improving,
As we go on into time.
They're saying that we just get better,
Every second of every day.
We're smarter and greater,
With new tech where ever we go.
But we're not improving,
Not even close!
Those in the past were better,
People had true lives.
No one sat around all day,
Being lazy in every way.
These days we don't need,
To do much at all.
We can usually find someone or something,
To do our work for us.
In the past,
They always worked to be what they were.
They would enrich their minds,
With books if they could.
These days,
We let our minds rot,
Watching TV and playing video games.
They used to believe in working,
For everything they got.
We cry and wale,
If we're required to lift a finger.
If people think what we are today,
Is better than ever before,
Then I would hate to see,
What people say is the best!

Nothing is right today,
I feel like I'm on thin ice.
Nobody pays any attention to me,
I feel like I'm on thin ice.
I wish someone would help me,
I feel like I'm on thin ice.
Make something go right,
I feel like I'm on thin ice.
I hate days like this,
I hope there is a big freeze tonight.

Everywhere you look,
Everyone is in gloom.
We all look for the bad,
It seems to entertain so many.
Yet it's meaningless to them,
They miss the good things in life,
The glory of it all.
The people of the world,
Need to take a look at it all.
The great enjoyments they miss.
Something should awake them to it,
The glory of it all!

Remember the past,
For what it was.
Good times and bad,
They've both been around.
There are things to be proud of,
And things that sadden our hearts.
Times we wish,
That we could just erase.
Or how about the times we loved,
That passed us by to fast.

Look to the future,
For what it might be.
All the possibilities,
That we can achieve.
What we want,
And what we won't get.
It might turn out well,
Or maybe things will be terrible.
Just dream your dreams,
Hoping they'll all come true.

Make the most of the present,
For it will never happen again.
Build as many happy memories,
Of the past that was.
And work to bring your dreams,
The great plans for your future,
To come true!

Be Thou with me,
Through the darkened night.
That I may see,
The day so illumined bright.
Open our minds,
To see the greatest things.
Don't allow us to hate,
When we should instead love.
Take Thou my hand,
Near Thee to stand.
All rejoice,
Who lay their trust in Thee.
Our Savior,
Thine to be.
Please keep those with us,
That make our world seem right.
Don't let us forget,
All whom have brought the best to our lives!
Give knowledge to the people,
So that I too may know.
Oh thank Thee,
For all the hope You have given us in Thee.
And for all those we have lost,
Keep them in our sight.
Help them to guide us,
Through each day and night.
And be Thou with me,
Almighty above.
For with songs of triumph,
We are praising Thy name.
Above all earthly joy proclaim!
Enlighten mine eyes,
To see your glorious way.
Be Thou with me,
Oh father most high.

Based on the choral song BE THOU WITH ME by Johann W. Franck

There is something out there calling,
I must listen to it.
It makes me happy,
It makes me sad.
It can get me up,
Or push me down.
I don't know what it is,
But it beckons to me,
Each day and night.
It helps me go forth,
It beckons to me.

How many times have we heard them,
The quotes of the world famous optimist,
Nobody Ever.
I'm sure you have heard them all by now.
He said life is perfect.
He said life is fun!
He said life would be easy.
He has said a great many things.
I wish I could be as optimistic as the great,
Nobody Ever.

You've wanted it so long,
Something that just couldn't be reached.
But there it is,
Before your eyes,
And you have to stop and wonder.
You can scrutinize all you want,
Look around,
Take a peek inside,
Then take a look away.
Low and behold,
It's not all that great.
You've found something new to explore.
This one might not be better,
And yet it could be.
Take a look at this one,
For there it is.
And if not,
Try again.
Maybe someday,
That right one will come along.

All day I sit and wonder,
How long till my family needs me again.
I’m just a lonely box,
Can’t really understand time.
Leave that job to my appendage,
The smaller box resting on my head.
Soon they’ll come and zone out,
Staring from their waste away chair.
My family always expects me to produce,
They think it is my fault that there is nothing good.
That little signaler is  my manager,
And is often their master.
Flipping through my options,
Almost faster than I make them appear.
They scrutinize what I offer,
Till I feel like a little white lab mouse.
Then my family bores of me,
Leaving me to sit,
Once again.
But they’ll be back,
To surf again,
And I’ll have life once more.

Show me that stage,
My knees will stop this in a minute.
Show me to the door,
These butterflies are about to burst.
I see the house,
Not a single seat is left.
My line is down pat,
I’ve been through it at least eighty times.
Is it my scene yet?
I want to feel that sweltering light.
Whoever you are God,
This might be a good time for guidance.
It's my time,
Or maybe ours together.
Let me get out there,
I simply won’t waste another minute.
So this is it,
I'm on my way to something great.
No fear or worries,
They’re here for what I have to say.
Time to entertain,
Make them all smile with delight.
Well here it goes,
Time to show all the energy hiding in me.
All right it’s done,
Of course it was easier than I thought.
They like it,
Soak in those applause,
I’ve helped to get something wonderful done.
Every emotion runs wild,
Their thuderous ovation fills me.
What a thrill,
Hold on and take my bow.
And you know what?
I never want to leave.

Oh how I hate it,
I want it so much,
But I can't have it,
Not yet anyway.
I'm waiting.

It doesn't seem like much,
I know it's silly to complain.
But I want it so much,
It's there,
I can't have it.
I'm waiting.

It will be there in a while,
It might be mine then,
Maybe not,
I'll just have to wait and see.
I'm waiting.

And what should I do,
If I come to find,
It just can't be mine,
Not now,
Not ever,
Not even for a short time.
I'm waiting.

Will I always wait,
No, I doubt it would see reason,
But for now I'm waiting,
Just to see if it goes my way.
I'm waiting.

Maybe the wait will soon come to a close,
Soon I will know,
But for now,
I'm waiting.

Hey Babe
Hey Mick'
Hey Joe
They say it once was a game.
People came for the thrill of the park,
And you all were there for a game.
A game.
A bit of skill
A little luck
An error or two.
It was all the thrill of a game.
The love of a national pastime.
We cherished you,
Made you our heroes.
All because you played a game.
You loved to play,
The nation would halt and watch.
The crack of the bat,
The cheers of the crowd,
All for the love of our game.
It's changed.
You know it has.
Things aren't the same.
Hey Junior
Hey Cat
Hey Barry and the rest
It's just a game.
We still love your game,
But it's just not the same.
The game is gone
It's gone
Baseball's not for a buck,
Definitely not for a million or two.
It's a game
Our game
Whether we ever touch the field or not.
Come on guys,
Bring it back,
Will always come back,
We're gullible as sin,
But please bring back the game.
Our game
The National game.

        The human animal
A unique thing indeed
Can it ever be conquered
Will it ever be understood
Do you have what it takes
The essential parts of every one in mankind
Or you're just not human
        Fear-There must be something,
Great or small,
That really gets you scared.
        Anger-It just happens,
Though often for wrong reasons,
Take it and try to make things right.
        Passion-For life's challenges,
Take them head on,
And don't back down.
        Survival-To get through a crisis,
Or a simple rough day,
We won't let it stop us.
        Drive-When you think you can't go on,
To see another day,
Sometimes one just finds the way.
        Physical Sensations-From a simple touch,
Or the thrill of rushing adrenaline,
It sure makes you feel alive.
        Competitiveness-The drive to challenge,
To show what you've got,
And be the best you can be.
        Mental Fantasies-Excitement of dreams,
They may be all you have to keep going on,
Follow them close to see where they lead.
        Laughter-It let's you go,
Just makes you feel good,
And can draw you close to another.
        Power-Most misused and abused,
And easily found,
Use all it's might to a common good.
        Strength-Found many ways,
In your muscles,
Or more importantly in your head.
        Confidence-Knowing you do what is right,
And making it known,
Bringing one into the light.
        Courage-To stand up for the best,
Then going forth,
Making sure that it gets done.
        Loyalty-Giving of yourself,
So that you can always be counted on,
And turned to.
        Trust-Taking of others,
And believing in them,
Just as they believe in you.
        Courtesy-An easy one,
So easily forgot,
Stop and remember this isn't your world alone.
        Kindness-Making others feel wanted,
Be a part of life,
And remember to give a little back to yourself.
        Cheer-Being a life of the party,
Giving a happy moment just whenever,
Wiping a misplaced frown away.
        Artistic Expression-Give something more,
Then just your everyday style,
And maybe entertain someone along the way.
        Helpfulness-Going the extra mile,
Doing that extra turn,
Showing others they can make extras too.
        Duty-What ever seems best,
No matter how hard,
Until you feel that all is fulfilled.
        Honor-Can be felt through receiving,
And giving away,
A present or maybe a lifeline.
        Heroism-It's not always needed,
Whether great or small,
But it might be found without you knowing it.
        Friendship-People you can turn to,
To talk and fun,
They seem to make life worthwhile.
        Love-Feeling so strongly,
That you just can't let go,
Wanting to cherish as long as you know.
        Unconditional Love-Quite rare it seems,
To trust and give yourself so much to another,
And forever feel it returned.
        The Tear-What shows true emotion,
Forget your ego and just let it go,
They'll understand, just let them know.
        Spirit-What you feel inside,
That you want to always show,
And hope someone will find.
        Belief-It can be anything and all,
But it must be something,
It won't make you fail.
        Perspective-You can see anything,
And you see it your way,
Making it known to compare with all.
        Seeing Beyond-What the future might be,
Deciding why that is,
And finding some way to do it.
        Intellect-You got it,
You know it,
Now go pass it on.
        Wisdom-When everything comes,
And things just make sense,
Whether right or not.
        Total Exceptance-Knowing who you are,
Who you're around,
And knowing that what they are is right.
        Bliss-The greatest happiness,
Where you find everything is just right,
Always take advantage when they stop by.
        Perfection-It may never happen,
Not to you or me,
But we might have the ability, maybe.

Fireman, Police Officer, Ballerina, Astronaut.
Oh, how simple we dreamed.
Life would be grand,
No one to tell us yes or no.
Yes those days,
When we would grow another foot or so.
And dream we would,
Day and night.
Such simple, innocent dreams.
Where no one could stop us,
Yes! Life would be grand!
No one will step on your toes,
Or step ahead in line.
Or laugh, just when you're ready to shine.
You'll have all the friends,
The money, the house.
And maybe just maybe,
You'll strike it rich,
With that perfect, forever love.
Such simple dreams,
But not such simple things.
When we were just a child.
Then suddenly, frighteningly, horribly,
You find yourself one day.
You realize that so carelessly,
You've let your dreams slip away.
Life just isn't so grand,
As it seems each door is slammed in your face.
Your precious toes just keep getting smashed,
And sure enough, people cut in your line.
And when it seems you've hit the valley below,
The sting of that cruel laugh hits you,
And why should you get back up?
Stop and look back for your dreams,
If you're lucky, they're still there.
Run faster than you ever have before,
Get them back.
And if you still can,
Save them before they go.
You must work for dreams,
They're not meant to come true,
Just out of the wild blue.
Go get them,
And keep them,
And make that dream come true.
Then pass this on,
Go find someone new,
The next dream of a child.

So long to the coldest season,
Another winter gone,
No more worrying about snow,
Well, not until April and May have come along.

Soon we'll say so long,
To that freezing thirty-second degree,
And hello to at least fifty-two or three.

Buds are coming,
With their look of spring,
So long to the dead look,
That's out for the year.

Winter's fun for a while,
Having snow is not that bad,
It's just after three months,
We want to say so long,
Bring us some spring cheer.

We should probably miss,
The low temperature you bring,
After spring,
During the June, July and August heat.

But we know you'll be back,
Not very long after,
Chilling us to the bone,
And making us wish you would go faster.

So long winter.

Today's not just a day,
Today is special,
Today is going to be different,
Today is going to be great,
Today is only happening once,
Today will be filled with dreams come true,
Today there will be a sky of blue.
And if this day really gets you down,
Tomorrow will be here,
It might be better,
Tomorrow will be here,
A new today.

Just thought I'd check,
And make sure that you're still there.
You listening?

I know there are many to hear,
The cries and sorrows are plenty.
But I just like to know, 
In case I really need you there.
You listening?

It's so hard to know for sure,
I keep getting doubts each day.
Please help me to know,
In some little way.
I need you to be there, 
To show me through it all.
You listening?

I just can't make it out, 
Why are things always happening this way. 
Words and fears and just about everything, 
Keep winding up in the way. 
Can't we make things simple, 
Can't we find the key. 
Maybe it is just meant to be this path, 
No matter how hard we find it to be. 
Things are rough and getting worse, 
It is plain to see it. 
The rogues get by in life, 
With very few hard times weighing them down. 
So why must we suffer, 
With all the unfair ways in life. 
Will they really help and teach us, 
Or just continually cause more strife. 

If only I could get what I want,
        Success would probably come my way.
And if only success would come my way, 
        I could probably win it all.
And if only I could win it all,
        Life would probably be perfect.
And if only life were perfect,
        There would probably be peace.
And if only there were peace...
        But there is no peace,
And I won't get what I want,
        Success won't come my way,
        I won't win it all,
        And life isn't perfect.
If only the world could heal itself,
        Then we could live on in peace forever.

What would I do, 
Should I find it to be true.
That you're not there,
To help me in it all.
It seems you've always been there,
In some way so easily found.
Always being a friend,
If I were one in need.
So what would I do,
If out of the blue,
That you're not there to help me.
Ah, but that can't happen.
You wouldn't let me down,
And I would do the same for you.
No, I just can't worry,
For I know it in my heart.
No matter what happens,
You'll always be there for me,
And I'll always be there for you.
For however far apart we may be,
There can never be a not there,
For you and me.

Well, there is no question,
There can be no turning back.
It must be accepted,
That you've said good-bye.
But why so soon?
Why now?
Why must it be?
Just when you think,
You've got life all figured out,
Things come and surprise you.
Why must it be?
How could one get so lonely,
To feel it's the only way out?
Maybe now it's all better,
And everything will be fine.
But why must it be,
You couldn't find it here?
It so harsh and painful,
To those left behind.
How could it be,
For so many to care,
For someone so sad.
We can wish you could have stayed,
But we know that can't be.
I know I hardly knew you,
And can hardly understand why.
But whatever you have now,
May it be so much,
Of what you could have been and more.
Let us work to catch the wayward lonely,
Before they too slip away.
And now I start again to ponder,
To figure out why must it be.
--In memory of Kristin Cooper--

Who needs all that wealth,
Who cares about the status quo.
I can see, 
That it won't mean a thing,
Unless you find the one special thing.
Oh don't get me wrong,
It's not hard to find.
It might be more common,
Then you probably think.
It can be true magic,
That will lift your day up high.
Just one common thing,
If you know how to look.
A simple smile,
On the face of a friend.
Then you'll know it's okay,
That life will be just fine.

Why must we be separate?
Who said that we must be different?
Why must we classify each other?
Colored people must be people of color.
What's the difference? 
Why do they have to be either?
Pets can't be pets,
Animal companions is preferred!
Do we really care?
Do they really care?
What's the point of classification?
Can't we just be a name?
We are all the same.
What's different?
We are all living things here together.
Why can't we make our time the best?
Can't we stop the classification?
Can't we be the same?
Why must we be separate?

No matter what my day might bring,
No matter how many toils may turn,
No matter the number of friends I loose,
No matter the time, the day, or the place,
No matter how lonely, upset or disgraced,
No matter how in doubt I may be,
I can always trust that you'll be there,
You're always there, near or far.
You're always watching over me.
With you there, I have the confidence to go on,
Thank you for you loving care,
You're always there.

Each step I took today,
        Taught me something new.
Each step I left behind,
        Opened great trails to be discovered.
Each step I put into the Earth,
        Leaves a wonder for someone that follows.
Each step I did not question,
        Put confidence in all those to come.
Each step I made unselfishly,
        Left no path closed to anyone.
Each step I took with compassion,
        Showed me how lucky I am.
Each step I went with you,
        Was one in the right direction.

What can I do for you today,
How best can I please you,
What ways can I make you see,
That I am here to be your friend,
Let me know,
Make me know.

One average day,
Who would know it,
That I could be so enchanted.
Just to meet someone new,
This is so silly of me,
Yet I know it is true.
I am really enchanted,
With everything about you.
And each passing day,
I shall always find,
Something new.
But just remember,
That for a while,
I was truly enchanted by you.

The gale rips over the hibernating land,
I won't hear it.
The bitter freeze slashes through anything,
I won't feel it.
The grizzly clouds scratch out the sun,
I won’t notice it.
The sleet pummels every obstruction,
I won't see it.
The trees hang drearily in fog,
I won't know it.
Sense this blustering world,
I just won't do it.

To someone like me,
Who for such a long time had so little.
Your friendship means the world,
To a lonely guy like me.
You accept me and make me feel a part,
Something I have searched for,
For oh so very long.
Thank you for putting up with me,
It has meant a lot.
To know how much you think of me,
And to be able to know,
I have friends like you.

What must I do,
to catch your eye?
I know you see me,
but not quite the way I wish.
Can't you see who I really am?
There's more to me,
Than my weird exterior.
How do I find the courage,
Where do I get the stuff,
To make you see me,
For who I am.

Many people are seen,
As those who should be called heroes.
I to have many,
From which to choose.

One that I was hardly given,
The chance to know.
But the memories from others ,
Let me be proud.
To have the courage which you did, 
And put up a fight against an unseen foe.
You always remembered the rest of us,
Especially me.
The battle you faced,
Will strengthen me forever.

One gave me the influence,
Where it could have been lost.
To put your time to another,
When already you had plenty.
To have your ear to talk to,
And your guidance to lead my own hearing.
You have seen me through my growth,
In the ways I truly needed.

One who opened my eyes to the zest of life.
To help develop my love,
For the power of music.
Providing the spunk,
To search out the everyday little joys.
For bringing me closer,
To the Father that gives us our faith.

One who through thick in thin,
Found a way to exceed what his job originally called for.
To keep me on track,
And put me on a path to success.
Giving me the humor,
That will doom me to groans for my lifetime.
Doing your best to let me be,

You see it takes many ones.
Heroes are all around you,
It just takes the right know how,
To find them.

Oh Freedom.
Freedom is coming.
Someday we will find out how,
To bring us all together. 
Let us learn from one another,
Find out who we are and why.
Let us be together,
Let us be as one.
A great man once had a dream,
Yet still we can not find it.
Let each and every one of us,
Reach and strive to find it.
Let my people go,
Let our people go,
Let the people go.
Follow the dream,
Follow till we reach,
The northern star.
Someday we will find it,
Someday we will find it together,
And embrace it as one.

How can I miss something,
With each passing year,
Remembering will always become harder.
Things have changed,
Life goes in new ways.
But always will I remember,
The further you become,
The closer I truly come to you.

I really don't know,
There's no true way to tell.
No one is there to guide me,
On when I have pushed the limit.
I know I come to you often,
But sometimes you're my best support.
Some things I may ask seem silly,
And really not worth the thought.
Still I find you to be my comfort,
Even in times of selfish greed.
I need you by my side and yet,
Never let me break the limit of when,
I simply ask too much.

Nothing moves me,
Quite like a simple strain,
Of the glorious gift of great music.
Nothing makes me,
Jump deep in my heart,
Like the triumphant sounds of great music.
Nothing sets me free,
Deep within my soul,
Like the majestic melodies of great music.

How can a thing,
That we so dearly desire,
Still be a thing,
That is so irritating.

You fight your enemy,
        Though it be one you can't see.
You tackle each day, 
        With the passion for a million more.
You seek a truth,
        Where still there are so many falsehoods.
You believe in life,
        When simpler things cause most to quit.
You want to heal others,
        Though the wounds are found in you.
You struggle on,
        When others think all hope is lost.
And if the time comes,
        For you to slip away,
        May you have no fear.
We'll remember,
We shall never forget you.

I need to know.
        Why am I here?
        What is my purpose?
        How shall I go about each day?
        Am I doing the right things?
        Have I helped the best I could?
        Did I do what is planned for me?
So many questions,
So few answers.
Do I need to know?

No matter how hard we attempt,
We shall never get away,
From this timeless evil.
Perceptions can form in an instant,
Slipping away again just as fast.
Do we build one's heights and fall,
Without even knowing?
Can these simple instantaneous impressions,
Change instantly,
Forgetting all in the past?
Oh so often yes,
We do it to another,
Then suddenly find it coming back.
How fast we can bloat on accomplishment,
And crush down again from an act unappealing.
If only we can find the way,
To not torment our emotions so.
It's an impossible dream,
Yet one worth dreaming anyway.

What a question,
        Not a narrow one at all.
                If you could have anything,
                        What would it be?
Oh the choices that could be made,
        And that have been made already.
                Yet one thing shall always be clear,
                        Till the end of my last day.
As long as I have you with me,
        I'll find the way to my anythings.

That's it,
It's done,
The course has run.
The show is over,
The applause have died,
The audience has gone once more.
The lights are out,
The stage is cleared,
The time has come to go as well.
The search for the new,
The quest for the different,
The never ending journey on,
This has all just begun.
Yet stop,
Listen close again,
Always here those final applause,
Once more.

There it goes again,
Slipping gently away.
Gone before most of us realize.
Did I stop to think,
Did I stop to notice,
Did I stop to care.
It has such a short moment,
Now it's gone without much fuss.
Sure there is sometimes,
An added bonus or two.
Usually it just slips away.
This one's now gone too.
Did I grasp it,
And make it a part of my life?
Was there time to take it in,
Before it was all to late.
Will I remember to watch,
Before the next nightfall.

There are times in our lives,
That we have to move on.
We look to new roads,
Finding ourselves going,
In so many different directions.
It is all part of the course of life,
As intricate a part of nature,
As everything else.
Saying good-bye, 
Taking a new turn, 
It happens on a daily basis.
Yet it always seems to shock us,
With each dramatic turn,
We never are ready,
If the change is to great.
Our spirits so often,
Simply can't except,
That something, 
We've held dear could end.

It's times like these,
That strain men's souls.
Because we don't know,
What happens next in line.
For we find security,
In the things we know.
We never seem to be able to face,
The last good-bye.
We simply can't except,
That what we believed in is gone.
Let us find our way,
To the last good-bye.
Let us toil through the tears,
To that last good-bye.
Let us learn from each other,
Before that last good-bye.
Let us become a part, 
Of one another always,
So there'll never truly be,
A last good-bye.