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Sets & Props

Pictures are protected under copyright and are the personal property of the photographer

The Homestead - interior and exterior
garden homesteadext homesteadint

The Old Homestead
old homestead1 old homestead2 old homestead3

Exterior clinic shots
clinicext1 clinicext2

Interior clinic shots
interiorclinic interiorclinic1 interiorclinic2

Hank's Saloon/The Gold Nugget (hotel and saloon) - Interior shots
saloonint saloon1int saloon2int saloon3int

Bray's General Mercantile
genstore genstoreint genstoreint1 genstoreint2
genstoreint3 genstoreint4 genstoreint5

The church - before and after the painting
oldchurch newchurch

The barbershop
brbrshp bssign brbrshopint

The Bank of Colorado Springs
bank bank1

The train comes to Colorado Springs
train station train1

Temporary sets
sethouse1 sethouse2

Grace's Cafe

Telegraph Office / Gazette
telegraph office
