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GENERAL REGULATIONS (These rules cover most circumstances of print and slide eligability, each competition will then have rules relating to submission numbers etc. Please consult the External Competition Secretary for further details.)

1. Each print must bear on the back of the mount the title, author's name, club name
and the initials CACC.
2. Prints must be the original work of the entrant and may be either home or trade
processed. Copyright must be at the disposal of the entrant.
3. Prints accepted for the same previous exhibition may not be submitted.
4. The maximum size of mount is 50 x 40 cm.
5. Entries received after the date specified on the entry form will not be accepted.
6. Individual entrants are responsible for delivery and collection of their prints, although
it is hoped that clubs will nominate someone to co-operate in and co-ordinate the work.
7. The CACC reserves the right to copy / re-photograph entries and to make free
use of such within the Association. While all reasonable care will be taken, neither
the CACC or it's agents can accept responsibility for loss of or damage to the
8. The CACC may reject a print that it considers unsuitable for exhibition or which
does not comply with these regulations.

Digital Imaging. PAGB rules regarding DI are as follows:
The PAGB accepts the use of Digital images in all its competitions provided that all the original pictures are the work of the author. The use of other copyright free images is not permitted."