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Guide for submitting images to the Gallery.

All current members of EHHPS are eligable to exhibit images on this, the official EHHPS web site.

Image Guidelines

Main images should be saved at the following sizes:- 10 cm along the longest edge at 72dpi.

File format: .jpg or .png. We recommend .jpg.
Files should be saved at low quality settings - we recommendend selecting '2' or '3' if saving via Adobe Photoshop.
Please ensure that the file format extension is saved in lower case, not UPPER CASE.

Titleing: The main image title should be no more than 8 characters long using lowercase letters.

Each main image should have a corresponding 'thumbnail image'.

Thumbnail images Required dimensions: 60 pixels along the longest edge, at 72dpi.

The 'Thumbnail image' should use the same name as the Main image with "ic" infront of the name.
eg. balloon.jpg would have corresponding icballoon.jpg as its thumbnail.

File format: .jpg or .png. We recommend .jpg.
These should be saved at low quality settings - we recommendend selecting '2' or '3' if saving via Adobe Photoshop.
Please ensure that the file format is saved in lower case, not UPPER CASE.

It is nice if Images each have some covering text. Text can be saved in almost any popular text format.
Fonts for the EHHPS pages are automatically changed to Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.

Submitting images and text
Images saved properly can be emailed to the EHHPS web designer or passed to the web designer on floppy disk, Zip disk or CD.