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All About Chris

All About Lil Ol' Me!!!

Soooooo you really think you wanna know more about me hmm? Kay, so where should I start? My memory is failing me hardcore nowadays so I don't recall what you just read on the main page so forgive me if I'm going over things twice here. And for those of you pointed here directly by me, by someone else, or just some random link out there that I probably don't even know about.... Welcome to the show!!

So I'll start at the present. I'm just a 21 year old guy (that's right, I finally made it!!) who lives in dreary Phoenix, Arizona. I work full time as a Technical Support Representative for an ISP. For the time being it is my dream job, the one I never thought I'd find. I'm looking at and hoping to get back into school come fall, but I'm not really too sure about it right now. At the moment most of my free time is spent in a pool hall where I love to have fun and pretend to know how to shoot pool, but usually just end up looking like an idiot the whole time.

Enough about pool though, I also get a kick out of reading still, and goofing around on the computer. But nothing is quite as fun as bugging the hell out of my friends and trying to keep them as busy as possible. They pretend to hate me for it, but I know they don't. Nothing like keeping friends active to make a guy feel accomplished eh? That just about covers the present so lets take a lil' trip back in time...

I was born in Southern Maryland, lovely place really. Lots of greens during the spring and summer. Clean air, mostly nice people. Lovely colors in the fall. And snow... oh glorious snow in the winter! Yes, I loved Maryland. It was where there were four seasons and lots of family and friends. I loved it. I miss it. I miss the seasons. I miss my family. But I'm adjusting. I've made quite a few friends out here, had some fun experiences and if I hadn't moved then I wouldn't have this great job that I have, so there are pros and cons to it as in everything.

I moved out here when I was 11, didn't think much of it then really, but .... I dunno, just rambling I suppose. I also got to spend a year up in Denver with a wonderful girl. Another truly marvelous place, aside from the insane drivers. With the snow and the scenary and the seasons.. I really hope ot be able to settle there someday, for I know that this is a place where I could finally live in true happiness.

Okay, enough of this slop stuff.. I'm being vague and pretty much pointless, but you're still reading so neener neener neener! Heh, but I'm ending it now, if you want to know anything else about me there are icons all over the place so you can mail me and ask me. Otherwise.. TTFN!

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