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click above to donate food for FREE, NOW

Fight Hunger. Did you know that every 3.6 seconds, some dies of hunger? Well, on The Hunger Site, you can donate 1/2 cups of food FREE! This is a real organization, and it really does DONATE FOOD. Just click a button, and you've donated a half cup of food to starving people. Only one donation per day is accepted per person, so if you make that your homepage and take 5 seconds to click that button, you'll be helping so many people.
Help The Hunger Site achieve its June 1/2 Million Cup Challenge to fight hunger. The goal for June is to donate an additional 1/2 million cups of food to the World Food Programme! For each new registrant who signs up for The Hunger Site Newsletter, an additional 5 cups of food will be donated. All you have to do is click on the link below to sign up - and don't forget to pass this e-mail along to all of your friends: Please e-mail me @!!

Also, if you own any campeigns on drugs, violence, etc. Please feel free to e-mail me about it and I'll put it on the page! Thanks :)

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