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My Cyber Friend

I haven't ever seen you,

But I know you're really there;
I click you into reality
Like magic from the air.

Your voice is like an angel,

Though I really do not hear;
Your hug as warm as any
Of loved ones I hold dear.

You're always there for comfort,

Or a word of cheer;
Though you are very far away,
I always have you near.

You're a very special friend,

Like none I've ever known;
As long as you're in cyberspace
I'll never be alone.

-Poem by Rita Ralston

Faceless Friend

Your face, your smile, I have never seen

I don't know the color of your skin
Your voice and laughter I have never heard
I don't know if it is soft or loud
Your hugs I have never felt
I don't know the strength of your arms
Your hand I have never touched
I don't know if it is calloused and worn

But to me you are my friend

Dearer and sweeter than many I've found
The questions come to me, "How can that be?"
"You don't know a face, a touch, or a sound."
But is it the physical nature of a person
That causes me to call you "my friend"
Or the feel of a touch or the strength of a
hug I don't need those for you to be my friend

You have shared with me words of strength

At times I have felt weak and worn
You have brought to me a smile, a laugh
Uplifting me and bringing me joy
You have bent your "ear" to me and listened
Then gently guided and directed with your
words You have hugged me tight, wiped my tears
Then generously gave to me above and beyond

You are more to me than words on a screen

For behind those words is a person who cares
A person with feelings, a tear, and a laugh
Who holds my mind safe and secure
For even though I don't know your face, your
touch I feel and see you in my mind
You have been all to me that I've needed you
to be Now and forever within my heart...My faceless

-Poem by Beth A. Rog

Pass this on to all your friends, and if they send it back to you, they will be your friend forever!! :-)

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