You wake up a while later. It takes you only a second to remember what has happened, and you jump to you feet. Glancing around, you discover that the hole is no longer there, and is now filled in completely with dirt. Fearing for Iolaus you begin to dig with your hands. You dig, and dig, and dig. You dig for almost 10 minutes before you find where the boulders were. You remove these as fast as you can, and soon you have found Iolaus. Reaching out to check his pulse you find that he is still alive, but he is still unconscious. You check him for injuries, and, finding none, you gently tap at his face to wake him up. It doesn't take him long to come around. He doesn't seem to have any permenant damage, so the two of you decie what to do with the rest of your vacation.
A -- Fish
B -- Go home to your mother's house in Thebes

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