Site Guide, Explaination & FAQ

Hercules Stuff
Xena Stuff
Young Hercules Stuff

Why Did I Make This Site?
Good Question. I got bored in the summer between my 11th and 12th grade years in high school, and I decided to spend it learning HTML. I made three pages that summer, one for each of my favorite shows (Hercules, Sinbad, and The Sentinel), but only my Hercules one has grown big enough to warrant an entire site. I also have a page dedicated to the Classical & Ancient world, which is located HERE.
Who All Works on This Site?
Just little ol' me. I do get the occasional addition from kind fans and friends (it is appreciated, bleieve me!), but for the most part this site was done from scratch by me. I hand code all of the HTML myself (gotta love the copy & paste functions ;-P). I use Edit Pad/Note Page (depending on if I'm home or at work) to put it all together. My buddy Alex does help on the uploading from time to time, but since she's going to school in Fort Collins and I live in Durango (8-10 hours away), I'm pretty much on my own when school is in session.
Where Do You Get All of Your Graphics?
The pictures I find around the net (mostly from Tom's Xena Page), but almost everything else was created/modified by me using Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photo Editor. I'm still learning how to use everything those programs have to offer, and with time I'll get better at adapting things for my own use. You can access my trials and accomplishments HERE.
Why Use Yellow, Orange, and Red?
Because I like them. No, actually it's because I needed three closely related colors that worked well together. Besides, it really wakes people up when they see three really bright colors. My real favorite colors are purple, green, and blue. Go figure!
Why Hercules, Xena, and Young Hercules
Well, for starters, I don't think it's easy to talk about one show without the others, as they are so inter-connected. So many of the characters cross-over so often, that I believe the shows are 3 sides of the same, um, 3-sided coin.
Do You Know Anyone on the Cast and Crew?
No, unfortunately I don't. I have gotten an e-mail from a few of the guest cast members (they have all been really nice), but I've never met any one related to the show in person. Maybe at one of the conventions...If I ever get to go...
The History of Caroline's Hercules Page:
It started out as 1/3 of a page I had on Geocities (the other thirds were a Sentinel site, and a site about The Adventures of Sinbad). When I out grew my Geocities space I moved (and expanded) my pages to Xoom. My Herc page soon became the largest part of my new site, so I decided to move it to Angelfire. There it has lived since November of 1998. It's grown quite a bit, but for the moment the 50 Megs that Angelfire generously provides is sufficient for my needs. I wonder where it will go once that's gotten too small...

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