What's New?

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  • I created a Xena & Gabrielle hotbar skin. More will be coming soon; maybe even tonight, if work isn't too hectic.
  • The site is still scheduled to be revamped tomorrow afternoon, and during the process this site will be off-line.


  • I've started creating Hotbar skins. I only have ones for Stargate SG-1 at the moment, but more should be coming shortly, depending on how ambitious I am this weekend.
  • I'm planning to revamp the site on Thursday afternoon MST. How slow/fast work is that day will determine how long the process will take.


  • I've added 10 new Hercules buttons and a new Stargate SG-1 collage to the Downloads Page.


  • No updates today, but I'm officially announcing that next week I will upload my site's new look. It won't be all that different than the current look, but I have re-done most of the graphics so that they look better and load faster. I will also upload the previews of new sections and additions. Many of them are not completed, but (hopefully) will be by the end of the summer. During the update this wite will go offline for a few hours so I can upload and check to make sure that my links and images work properly. Have a great day!


  • Well, I've officially moved all of the webpage images to my GeoCities site. The links to the new areas have been added to the Images Page, or you can go to the downloads page by clicking HERE. I've renamed the page to "Caroline's Creations" since I've broadened the page to include stuff I've made for Star Wars and Stargate SG-1. There will be some additions and tweaking done to these pages this week as I add the new Hercules & Xena images that I have stored on my hard drive at home.


  • Whew! I've been moving things around like crazy! I've moved my screen savers back here to my site on good ol' Angelfire. I have more space here than I do at GeoCities, and the server here is faster as well (faster downloading). I've added some new collages to the Downloads Page. They are not Hercules/Xena related, but I hope you will enjoy them nevertheless. I'm going to do some major renovations on the images/graphics page and update and move all of the webpage stuff to GeoCities to make some more room here for the screen savers that I've made but haven't posted yet.
  • I've finished my Young Hercules story! Actually, I finished it several months ago, but haven't posted it on my website yet. You can find my Fan Fiction by clicking HERE.
  • Look for those updates to be uploaded early next week. Have a great weekend everyone!


  • Hey, 5'4" is my height... Anyway, I've been updating my links pages. I'll be adding more as the summer progresses. I'm working on redesigning my page, but it will be a while before I'm happy with the new look. There will be some new features as well as some updating of most of the major sections.


  • Very small update this time, but an important one: there's now a feedback form on the Downloads page. Click HERE to fill it out and help my site.


  • Whew! I've just spend about 8 hours going through all of my links lists and made sure all of the links are up-to-date. I deleted about half of the links (I'm not all that surprised since it's been about 2 years since I last checked all of my links...). If your site has moved or been deleted or you would like me to add your site, please e-mail me!
  • I've installed a new counter since my old one ran out of numbers and expired. This means that my site has had over 1,000,000 visitors total since it was created way back in 1997. Thank you for you support!


  • It has been quite awhile, hasn't it? Sorry! I've been very busy in college, and with the (now defunct) CL program at GeoCities. I don't have a huge update this time, but will soon. I have been working on things for the page, but not enough to qualify as a post.
  • I've created six new Yahoo! IM skins. You can get to them from the Downloads Page.
  • I'm going to attempt to update my links page. After over a year of no updates I'm sure there are a lot of old (and new) links.


  • By popular demand I've added a Non-Hercules & Xena Links Page.
  • I've created a banner exchange for Young Hercules pages. Check it out HERE. Sometime this week the links pages will be updated. Don't kknow quite when, but hopefully (cross my fingers) before Saturday.


  • A small update today. A new word search--Gods & Goddesses of Young Hercules Word Search. More to come later!


  • Whew! I'm back at school now, so there should be some updates coming within the next few weeks. (Hopeful) Updates include cast and character lists for Hercules, Xena, and Young Hercules, the Xena episode guide (as well as updates to the Hercules and Young Hercules episode guides), production information, and a highly updated Reoccurring Actors/Actresses list. I'll also be adding some new webpage stuff.
  • For some reason the guestbook doesn't work. I'm looking for a new one, if anyone has any suggestions...


  • I've finally added some new screen savers and some new collages. I've had to put them on my old geocities site because there isn't enough space here. That page is located here : http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/7194/downloads.html. Things are a little hectic here at home due to some family emergencies and me moving back for college, so if you don't here from me again soon (a.k.a my friend can't upload anything for a while), I'm still here, but a little busy. Thigs should settle down again when my computer lab job starts up again. Thanks a bunch Alex!!


  • My job has been keeping me busy, but thanks to the long weekend I've gotten some new things up. Check out the new gods & goddesses backgrounds and bars, and my new Iolaus and Ares screensavers. All of these things can be found on my images page.


  • I've completely re-designed my page. I've added some things, and tweaked with what was already here. Take a look around, and enjoy your visit!


  • I've joined a new webring. I'm working really hard on the Xena episode guide, as well as revamping my links page, but neither one will probably be completed until school is over (May).


  • I have added a new page: The Great Strife Debate. Check it out!


  • I added 10 new bars, 2 new buttons, and 2 new backgrounds.


  • Yeah, I know I'm a little late updating the page this week. I've been really busy! I added 13 new backgrounds, and two new Young Hercules buttons. Enjoy!


  • I updated the YH news and rumors section. I can't seem to get to TV Guide Online, so all I have is the title for the next Hercules Episode
  • I gave out another Olympus Award to Nball's Kevin Sorbo Haze. Congrats!


  • Added some new Yahoo! Clubs and Young Hercules sites to the Links page.
  • I will be deciding the winners of my award this weekend
  • I can't update my page from my home computer anymore, so updates won't be happening as frequently.


  • The Hercules Episode Guide is finall up and running. I'll still be working on it, but it works!
  • Major updating on the Reoccurring Actors / Acrtesses page. It is now referenced through the episode guides.


  • Added a Young Hercules article that I found.
  • I split up the Family Trees, and added entries for Xena, Gabrielle, Jason, and Callisto.
  • Updated the Young Hercules Episode Guide
  • The Episode Guide and the Reoccurring Actors/Actresses will be completed and added sometime tomorrow. All I have to do now on it is add the silly Angelfire image tag to all of the images.


  • I updated the News and Rumors page with episodes for this week, and a USA Weekend interview with Lucy Lawless.


  • Well, I've started school again. I will be uploading the episode guide pretty soon, but I'm only about half way through season 4, so it will probably be about another week or so. I have majorly updated the reoccurring actors/actresses page, but I need to finish the episode guide before I can upload it (it's fully referenced and everything!).


  • Updated: Hercules Disclaimers
  • I've been working very hard on a Young Hercules story, but I don't know when it will be done. Also, I didn't like the way the episode guide was looking, so I'm re-formatting it a little. I guess it's just going to take me a little longer to get it posted.


  • Added: Two new word searches in the Games section.
  • I'm still working on the episode guide, but it should be up shortly.


  • Well, I've changed the way my main page looks. What do you think?? I've also moved the games to their own little page.
  • Updated: The Wisdom of Cheiron
  • New section: Hercules and Xena Backgrounds
  • New section: Xercules and Xena Extras


  • Updated the Links page. I'm about half way done with the Hercules episode guide. It should be done some time around the new year.


  • A link to Ancient Amphipolis. It's a cool place to hang out, chat, and play games. Memberships are free, so why not join today?


  • Young Hercules Episode Guide. I'm still working with it, but it's up!


  • New section: The Wisdom of Cheiron. I only have Cheiron's wisdom from the movie here for the moment, but I hope to change that after finals are over.
  • New: I'm now part of the Amazon exchange
  • New: I'm a member of the Xenite & Herculean Webmasters' Association
  • Updated: Hercules & Xena vs. Mythology. I added Discord and Cheiron, and tweaked with the format.
  • Updated: Links
  • Updated: Reoccurring Actors/Actresses


  • Young Hercules Drinking Game
  • Actors/Characters Page

    Coming soon:

  • More goodies like skins, graphics, and collages
  • A Hercules/Xena/Young Hercules Writers/Directors page
  • Updated links page (this will always be here!)
  • Additions to Reoccurring Actors/ Actresses
  • Completed episode guides
  • More fan fiction

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    Email: greekbard@usa.net