This page is a list of all of the actors and actresses that have appeared on Hercules, Xena, and Young Hercules. You can get information on the episode(s) listed after the name by clicking on the diamond after the episode name. Suggestions, comments, additions, and corrections can all be sent to me. I really do appreciate your imput!
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y| Z |
Hercules Episodes
Young Hercules Episodes
Young Hercules (The Movie) Xena Episodes
Jonathan Acorn:
Bruce Allpress:
Julian Arahanga:
David Aston:
Donald Baignet:
Polly Baigent:
Chris Bailey:
Ben Baker:
Terry Batchelor:
Ann Baxter:
Martin Baynton:
Jonathan Bell-Booth:
Anton Bently:
Tony Billy:
Tony Bishop:
Ken Blackburn:
Tony Blackett:
Rachel Blakely:
Carl Bland:
Jonathan Blick:
Catherine Boniface:
Grant Boucher:
Cherie Bray-Taylor:
Jon Brazier:
Grant Bridger:
Sela Brown:
Kartina Browne:
Alistair Browning:
Alison Bruce:
Jeremy Callaghan:
Eddie (Edward) Campbell:
Clare Carey:
Warren Carl:
Matthew Chamberlain:
Lisa Chappell
Rebecca Clark:
Hannah Collins:
Campbell Cooley:
Marton Csokas:
Justin Curry:
Jack Dacey:
Maya Dalziel:
Rachale Davies:
William Davis:
Josephine Davison:
Portia Dawson:
Laurie Dee:
Stuart Devenie:
Geoff Dolan:
Jodie Dorday:
Angela Dotchin:
Ross Duncan:
Lori Dungey:
Michael Dwyer:
John Dybvig:
Stig Eldred:
Huntly Eliott:
Norman Fairly:
Peter Feeney:
Mark Ferguson
Alvin Fitisemanu:
Peter Ford:
Lee-Jane Foreman:
Norman Forsey:
Colis Francis:
Mario Gaoa:
Latham Gaines:
Mandie Gillette:
Paul Gittins:
John Givins:
Paul Glover:
Nigel Godfrey:
Arch Goodfellow:
David Goodwin:
Galyn Gorg:
Russell Gowers:
Chris Graham:
Wally Green:
Kelly Greene
Eric Gruendemann:
Tai Hadfield:
Steve (Stephen) Hall:
Michael Hallows:
Dennis Hally:
Nigel Harbrow:
Ross Harper:
Winston Harris:
, Amazon Grace
, Battle Lines I & II
, Amazon Grace
, Battle Lines I & II
, Dad Always Liked Me Best
, Unchained Heart
, Armageddon Now II
, The Wedding of Alcmene
, Hercules on Trial
, Hercules on Trial
, Monster Child in the Promised Land
Teacher's Pests
, Battle Lines I
, Cram-Ped
, The Mysteries of Life
, The Festival of Dionysus