The Wisdom of Cheiron

Let's face it, Cheiron knows everything! The following are little bits of wisdom the Cheiron has shared with our boys.

Young Hercules: The Movie:
"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up."
"A Wheel has many spokes."
Time makes all men equals."
"Know your comrades. The greater your knowledge, the deeper your trust."
"You can't pick up a pebble with only one finger."
"Respect all warrior--friend or foe."
"Surrender yourself to the oneself."
"Never, never, never quit!"
"If you do things for your own personal agenda you will never succeed."

The Treasure of Zeus:
"The tree that grows in the stoniest ground has the strongest roots."

Girl Trouble:
"Keep your options open." (Iolaus says that Cheiron always says this)

Keeping Up With The Jasons:
"You must be ready for anything."
"You have to learn to see with your other senses."
"A Dacuuda must learn to trust his or her senses."
"A Dacuuda must be adept at hand to hand combat under any circumstances."
"A warrior's strength comes from within."

Battle Lines Part 1:
"Maintain peace."
"Don't let anger cloud your thinking."
"Appearances can be decieving."

Battle Lines Part 2:
"Attack the archer, not the arrow."
"Sometimes emotions cloud reason."

Ares on Trial:
"A friend is never really lost as long as you stay true to the dreams you shared."

In Your Dreams:
"You must embrace your greatest fear."
"It can't hurt's only a dream."

The Head That Wears the Crown:
"A battle avoided is a battle won."

Me, Myself, and Eye:
"Great artists learn to see without using their eyes."

Hind Sight:
"All you see is not all there is."

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