i'm continuously in search of new ways to create...
i've tapped into a few ways that have been popular for centuries. and it bugs me that my methods of creation are not new and innovative, but i have found ways to use these methods uniquely. so creating has now become my main goal in life. maybe it's an attempt to be more godly. maybe it's just a fun hobby. or maybe creating is the only way i feel i'm truly accomplishing something here. so i create. my creations make me happy. my creations are my own.
i write poetry. i write about that which affects me. those experiences in life that have been major roadblocks or major stepping stones- that's what you will find here. and i write about them in such a way that only i know exactly what every word means in these poems. some have pretty obvious meanings, i'm sure. but only i know the thought behind each word. and each and every word is here for a reason. like each of us, there is a purpose for the existence of these words. so i guess i am poetic. i guess i do have a way with words. but no one can treat words like i do. just as i can't treat words like anyone else. what you see here is unique. it is a part of me.
i love music. i've been surrounded by music since i was old enough to come out of my mother's womb. hell, probably sooner than that. to me, music is what makes our lives worth living. and being a proponent of life, i've taken it upon myself to create music. i've taken music now and molded it into something is my very own. like debussy, i have a strong urge to abandon all that they teach me that music must be, and to make music what i want it to be. and i hope to touch someone's life someday with my music. it is my dream that the harmonies borne of the joining of my mind and my experiences and our western twelve-tone scale will harbor purpose for someone. when my music touches someone's life, my dream will be complete. even if it doesn't happen, i've already made a difference. no one has ever created like i do. no one has created what i have. my creations are my own.
that being so, please enter this encrypted translation of my mind. this page belongs to me. this is my story.
carry me home