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The Utopia Pathway Association, in order to establish the fundamental principles necessary for a Utopian Society, ordains and establishes this Constitution for Humanity.


   SECTION 1:  In private, individuals have the freedom to conduct themselves as they wish, so long as their actions place no-one else, present or elsewhere, at involuntary risk.

   SECTION 2:  Every utopian community has the freedom to determine its own detailed public laws based on fundamental utopian ideals. In public, therefore, individuals should conform to the constraints of the laws of the community in which they find themselves. In turn, utopian communities may ally themselves with each other to form utopian regions, states, nations, alliances, etc. The constraints of each "higher" community apply to all "lower".

   SECTION 3:  Subject to constraints of placing others at involuntary risk, invasion of an individual's privacy, or demonstrating a lack of respect for others as people (their ideas, however, are fair game), individuals have the freedom to communicate their personal opinions to the public at large. Conversely individuals have the freedom to access all such public expressions, in private if necessary.

   SECTION 4:  There should be no discriminatory constraints on aspects of individuals over which they had no choice: e.g. race, tribe, gender, age, ancestors et al. Everyone should have the freedom to try to develop their talents to the limit of their ambition, subject to the constraint that they may not engage in harmful conduct.

   SECTION 5:  In any utopian community, even though its fundamental constitutional ideals are not in dispute, agreement on detailed implementations will rarely be unanimous. There has to be some decision- making process. No utopian community will survive unless it is governed by the consent of the governed. In a utopian society the citizens have the ultimate right to decide. Some form of democratic voting system will be essential.


   SECTION 1:  Knowledge comprises cognition, insight, awareness, and wisdom. (Knowledge and technology are not synonymous.)

   SECTION 2:  Knowledge is a neutral tool for humans to utilize. Humans decide whether it is used for good or evil.

   SECTION 3:  Humanity interacts with knowledge through acquisition, dissemination, and use thereof.

   SECTION 4:  Humanity's knowledge should be freely accessible in order to allow truth, justice, and freedom to flourish.

   SECTION 5:  An increase in the amount of resources devoted toward knowledge increases the amount of benefits Humanity derives from knowledge, and Humanity's ability to control its physical and mental environment increases as the total of all human knowledge increases.


   SECTION 1:  Every individual affects Humanity as a whole in that ones actions have a ripple affect through society in the same way a splash ripples through a pond when a stone is thrown into the pond. The total of all Human actions determines whether the world is like a heaven on earth, or a living hell.

   SECTION 2:  Destruction of another life form without valid purpose is wrong, and cruelty to any life form is always wrong.

   SECTION 3:  Along with the self-esteem that it is expected that every citizen in a utopian society would achieve, all citizens would be expected to develop respect for all other law-abiding people. This reciprocity principle forms the main basis for moral laws, family relations, social welfare, and caring free enterprise.

   SECTION 4:  On an individual level, people must overcome the negative emotional shortcomings of Humanity. Hatred, jealously, malice and other negative thoughts must be controlled and should never be allowed to control one's actions. The results of non control are verbal and/or physical crimes against other persons or physical crimes to others' property. Infliction of physical harm on another human is always wrong except when done to stop physical evil. Emotional harm caused by malicious acts such as verbal abuse, theft, or destruction of others' property is always wrong. One who engages in any of these wrongful acts not only fails to respect the value of others' life, but fails to respect the value of their own life.

   SECTION 5:  It is acknowledged, however, that humanity is not yet perfect. Some individuals will transgress the laws of their community. That will constitute a crime. It will be just as much a crime to deny a freedom, to violate a constraint, or to actively demonstrate willful disregard of any of the fundamental ideals of utopia. Due justice will be necessary. Justice, to be acceptable to all, must apply equally to all. The primary function of justice is to restore harmony to the community.

   SECTION 6:  If a community finds itself in a mutually unresolvable dispute with another, that needs to be resolved to avoid war, (i.e. they are unable simply to agree to differ), both communities should submit their cases for resolution to a mutually agreed greater community to which they would both claim allegiance.

   SECTION 7:  In addition to controlling the negative side of human nature, the individual should focus on positives such as love, generosity, creativity, and achievement.


   SECTION 1:  Humans exist in both a physical and mental state.

   SECTION 2:  Everyone is guaranteed access to the resources needed to provide themselves with a minimum physical standard of living consisting of, at the very least, food, clothing, shelter, and medical care.


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