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INTEREST 1. In 1964 I began
riding freight trains. The rides at first were short to Cumberland,Maryland;then to
Chicago;by 1966 to Spokane,Washington; then numerous trips across North
America;and finally around the world and the tran-Siberian railroad in
Interest 2 Backbacking, desert experiences, Indian ruins
Interest 3 Reading! Currently I am reading a biography of Jack
Dempsey. I just completed the history of Nicklas and Alexandra, the alte czar and Czarist
of Russia. It was super.By the end of March I completed Give Me My Father's Bones,
a true acount on an eskimo child who was brought to to America by Admiral Peary and
literallt abandoned in New York. Currently reading a book on the Final Climb and
John Irvings script for film Cider House Rules.
mInterest 4. I built a log home in 1989-1991. The interior
firepalces are constructed of local fossils as calamites,ferns, and lepidenrons. I cannot
walk without looking at rocks and reading their histories. At home I enjoy working outside
in the woods planting trees and flowers, pruning, and simply walking .
Interest 5. Running a draw bench in the winter
of 1966-67 at Union Draw steel in Beaver Falls,I began writing poetry
on the 12-8 shift: "who can run number fourteen draw bench/if you can here is your
mic and wrench". I was influenced at Geneva College by Doctor Bass, his wife Jeri,
Doctor Paton, and Miss Cowmeadow.
Interest 6. I loved the outdoors as a small child, and before I was
ten, I was running a trapline. I caught muskrats, fox,coon, and possum. I opened my first
bank account with money from furs. To this day when I walk in the woods I study
tracks and signs.
Interest 7. Hobbies and special interest have formed and shaped me.
Early in life I collected stamps. 3cent postage stamps and red airmail stamps were
my first. My grandmother had hidden treasures of stamps and letters that we explored
together. These early cherished memories are motivators of today's happiness.
Interest 8. My wife and I attend Chippewa Evangelical Free Church. We
have attended here faithfully since the summer of 1991. Harry Rabb, a former teacher
friend and Bertie Holmgren, a former pastor at the EF Church, influenced me to
attend and helped my Christian growth.
Spring of 2000, for the first time in many years honey bees swarmed
our trees.