Six Spyre agents could be seen walking through the forest. After a short while one of the agents walked to the front of the line and began talking with the commander. "Where is he right now?" "He is in a town near one of the Kin Shi Tal bases," the Spyre commander said. "How could he have done this to the clan?" "What do you mean Zang?," the commander asked. "I mean how could he have dishonored the clan," Zang said. "Well it doesn't really matter. I guess he just wasn't cut out for the strict emotional discipline. But mark my words we will bring the traitor to justice. After his capture we will take him to Spyre to stand trial," the commander said. "Do I detect a bit of hostility towards him?" "No. Of course not. I am a Spyre agent. Logic and reason are my only thoughts toward him. I would not be undisciplined as him to show any emotion or let it dictate MY actions," the commander replied. Zang just nodded and kept up pace with the rest of the agents of Spyre. "Do you think he suspects anything?" "No. Brains aren't his strong point. He won't be expecting us. The false order Spyre sent out to all his towns that he was going to fortify them was just a ruse to cover up the traitor's capture," the commander said. As the agents came out of the forest into a clearing Zang looked up and said,"Commander Torgk. I think I can see the town just a little ways up ahead." "Are you sure? I can barely see in front of me thanks to this acursed eclipse." "Yes. I have good night vision. It shouldn't be too long now." ************************ Demise got up from his bed as he heard a knock at he door. "I wonder who would be coming here? I bet it's those other Spyre agents that Spyre is sending out to the towns. I better tell them to get to work so I can get some sleep," Demise said. Demise walked over to the door and opened it up only to see several Spyre agents and his commander, Torgk. "Well I didn't think I would see you again. I guess you can come in....," Demise said with disgust. Demise then held the door open and all the agents walked in and stood around the room in a circle around him while commander Torgk confronted Demise. "Hey guys. I got to stand here in this space," Demise said to the agents. The Spyre agents looked confused and one of them said,"What?" "What I mean to say is that you guys are crowding me and I need some room," Demise said after a few minutes. Torgk suddenly decided to speak up,"Never mind that Demise. I am going to get straight to the point. You have been accused by Spyre and the members of Spyre for the following crimes: Disobeying orders, breaking the rules of Spyre, being a dishonorable member, lying to Spyre, showing emotion and letting it rule you, and other such crimes that Spyre will tell you when we get you to trial." Demise quickly yelled,"WHAT!? I did no such thing! I am the most honorable member of Spyre!!! You should be kissing my butt right now!!!! You had better leave before I kill you all!" Commander Torgk just looked at Demise and said,"We will leave that up to Spyre to decide." Commander Torgk looked up and nodded to the other agents who threw nets on Demise before he could react. Torgk then pulled out a huge club and hit Demise on the head. Demise yelled for a moment and then fell to the ground unconscious...."