Agent Franger got up from his seat and sat down in the witness box. Franger didn't even let his eyes pass over Demise as he walked up. Demise assumed he was ashamed at what he was about to do. "Agent Franger how do you know Demise?," Spyre asked. "Well you see sir, he is a fellow agent and also my best friend. I guess it goes back to when we two were.....," just then Spyre interrupted Franger. "Agent Franger I insist that you stick to just answering the questions in as few words as possible." "Yes, of course sir. Wouldn't have it any other way." "Ok. So Demise is your friend? Would you please tell the court what his words to you were on the mission you were to give him a boat to use as part of a intel gathering mission?" "He...he was mad. Because I had lost the boat to an imposter. He yelled at me and that was that." "So not only did Demise show emotion once again but he let it take over and be directed at you his best friend?" Franger looked up for a minute and then said, "Yes...I guess that is the way it happened." "Very well Franger you will step down," Spyre said. Franger took his seat quickly and still cast no gaze toward Demise. "I now call AtomFlail of the Shadow to the witness box." The Spyre agents began talking amongst themselves. How could Spyre have let an enemy into the court of Spyre? AtomFail entered from another room, blind-folded and escorted by two agents. AtomFlail sat down and then took off the blindfold while one of the agents stayed and the other left. "Now AtomFlail before you are questioned I would like to state our agreement to ease some of our agents questions and to make it clear to you. You have agreed to help Spyre in this court by answering questions about Demise, as you have first hand account of events that no other Spyre agent has seen. You also have agreed to be blind-folded and have no knowledge of where you are. In return you shall be aloud to live and leave our base. Is that correct?," Spyre asked AtomFlail. Atom nodded. Atom was a little upset that he had been captured by Spyre. But luckily he had found a way to get out alive by just answering a few questions about one of his arch enemies. "AtomFlail. Do you remember seeing Demise at the Kin Shi Tal base?" Atom nodded. "What was his condition?" AtomFlail signed and a Spyre agent translated: "Demise had been caught infultrating the base." "How long did he stay captured?" "Not long. He had made a deal with the leader of the Kin Shi Tal if they would give him the secret to a sword and let him live if he would rescue Kinshiro's daughter from Hyru." "In all the time he was captive did he try to kill himself?" "No. He was more interested in getting the secret of the sword." "So not only did he not kill himself but he also made a deal with a enferior enemy?" "Yes." "Very well AtomFlail you will go." AtomFlail was again blind-folded and escorted out by the two agents. "I now call agent Jadax Firestorm to the stand," Spyre said. Jadax looked around as he aroused from his sleep by hearing his name. " that's why they wanted me here. I guess I had better get up there if I am going to get out of here anytime soon," Jadax thought to himself. Jadax got up and then took his seat in the witness box. "Jadax, in reference to the last witness, do you know what this secret of the sword is that Demise is so interested in?" "Sure. I can tell you the story on that. Well you see Demise's brother Sorrow is a mage and had his powers taken by a Golden Kin Shi Tal sword. Demise decided he needed to get them back and went to the Kin Shi Tal to get the secret." "Ok. So he put aside all other orders just to help his brother with some trivial thing?" "Yeah sure," Jadax said. "Yes?" Jadax looked up at Spyre and said, "Yes." "Did he ever get the powers back?" "Well kind of. I gave Demise what he needed to get the powers back but it didn't work," Jadax looked over at Demise who was staring at Jadax with anger, "Demise that blood was real. I didn't fake it you loser. So just get over it." Demise pulled on his chains a little and spat at Jadax. Jadax was unimpressed. "Well Demise I guess you can see how you have made other clan members suffer by not following orders and in the end you never got Sorrow's powers back." Demise began blocking out the words. "Jadax you will step down." "Finally," Jadax said as he got down and left the court room. Spyre just ignored him and continued with the trial. "This court has heard all the charges against Demise, the verdict, and the sentence. Now Demise I am giving you two minutes to tell me why I shouldn't kill you."