Day 15. Kinshiro surveyed the damage that Citange had done to the Kin Shi Tal sub-base. Kinshiro was pacing back and forth for awhile to try and contemplate the situation. Citange's power was indeed great. He had killed several Kin Shi Tal agents without a problem and destroyed a large part of the base without even slowing down. It was clear to Kinshiro that this display was only a fraction of Citange's power. Kinshiro consulted several scouts of his that had come back from other areas that Citange had been and reported what they had heard and seen. Kinshiro began to get even more worried. Citange had killed Kin Shi Tal agents, harmed some of the Kin Shi Tal citizens, done massive damage to their base with minimal force, possibly revealed the location of their base to others, killed agents of the Shadow (to Kinshiro's surprise) which wasn't an easy thing to do considering the power of the Shadow, Citange was threatening the great plan of the Kin Shi Tal, and what was worse he was still on the rampage. Kinshiro hated what had to be done but Kinshiro had come to the conclusion that Citange had to be stopped. Kinshiro traveled quickly to the main base of the Kin Shi Tal and arrived after a day. Kinshiro then waited in his main office after giving an order to one of his members. "I need you to get me the Saigono Force now," said Kinshiro. The Kin Shi Tal agent suddenly became extremely wrought with fear,"You want me to go and get the Saigono Force for you?!! I..I-don't know if I can... Are you sure that it is necessary sir?" Kinshiro could see the agent shaking,"Of course I am sure. Are you questioning my orders? You have read the reports on Citange. I feel this is the only thing that can stop him." "Yes, of course sir. I meant no disrespect. I will send for them at once." The member bowed and then left down the hall of the base to send for the Saigono Force. The KST agent arrived after a minute to a door that had a large KST symbol on it with a border of letters that read "Saigono Force". The agent hesitated for a second and then gathered up some courage and then knocked on the heavy wooden door. Suddenly the door swung open and a voice inside spoke,"Come on in friend." The agent didn't know what to think except dread and decided to hurry and get it over with. He stepped inside of a well lit room but did not see anybody in there. The room was extremely large and held several different things. In the back of the room was five beds, in the center was a large circular table with chairs surrounding it, and in different places was different training exercises set up that were the most advanced the agent had seen. "Hello?," the agent answered. Before the agent could say anything more a net was thrown over him from the left and he turned in the direction to see who was there, he was then pulled to the ground from the right, and subdued quickly then hung from the ceiling (which was very high) all in a matter of seconds. "There you see Sosar, just like I planned it." "Yes. Ingenious as usually Gatar." The agent looked down and could now see five people standing below him. One of the people walked underneath him and spoke,"Yeah. If you had been an agent of any other clan you would be dead already." "Easy Nopu. I think you can cut him down now," said Sosar. Nopu just bowed and then in one smooth motion threw out a shurikan that cut the rope and then spiraled back into Nopu's waiting hand. The agent began falling from the net but right as he was about to hit the ground he was stopped in mid-air. "Hope I didn't scare you. I wasn't going to let you fall," Sosar said. The agent opened his closed eyes to find himself levitating just inches from the ground. Sosar then spoke again,"Well enough of this. What message do you have from Kinshiro for us?" "How did you know?," the agent asked. "Well we are very rarely used except in extreme situations and only then does Kinshiro himself call upon us. So what's the message," Nopu said. "He just sent me here to ask you to come to his office." "Hmmm.. Must be a mission," Sosar said,"Let's go." With that the man fell to the floor as the five people ran out of their room and down to Kinshiro's office. Upon getting there they all got down on one knee and waited for Kinshiro to speak. "Well glad you all could make it here. Roll call. Sosar, leader of the Saigono Force. A great decision maker, highly respected by many, cunning, and has a highly developed power of telekinesis." Sosar got up and stood at readiness. "Gatar, second in command of the Saigono Force. A master tactician and strategist. Has lots of battle experience and knowledge. Can develop a plan for any situation." Gatar arose next and stood at readiness. "Lem, third in command. Has a powerful will. Can block or counter almost any spell, mind power, or special ability." Lem got up and stood at readiness as well. "Nopu, master of combat. Has excelled in skill in the use of several dozen weapons including shurikan, the staff, the sword, the bow, crossbow, chain, whip, net, claw, sai, scythe, axe, mace, and dagger just to name a few. Also skilled in weaponless attacks." Nopu followed suit and stood at readiness. "And finally the beautiful Achensu. Skilled animal trainer, controller, tamer, tracker, and hunter of the Saigono Force." Achensu got up as well and waited for the details of their mission. Kinshiro filled them in on the threat of Citange and gave them orders to terminate Citange at all costs. Sosar looked up and said,"It shall be done sir. You can count on us for we are..." all the members of the Force chimed in..."THE SAIGONO FORCE!!!" Having said that Kinshiro dismissed them and they ran out of the Kin Shi Tal base, in search of Citange.......