Day 18. A man was walking through the forest. He was admiring the beauty in the world of Monic now that the eclipse had ended. The sun shone down through the many green leaves and danced upon the ground of the path the man was on. Without even thinking he flipped into the air off to the side, used a tree to propel himself backward on the trail, and landed behind a man that was following him. "What!?!? How did you know I was following you? I was trying to be quiet," the man said. "Well you weren't trying hard enough. Wait a minute...I know you! You work for my clan." "Yes sir. I am the messenger Din for the Sword's Edge. I have been sent to find you and give you a mission since you are one of the top Sword's Edge spy agents," Din announced. "Well you have found him. I am Clawn, Cain Clawn." "Very good sir. Well enough talking, your mission is as follows: The daughter of a general in the Sword's Edge army has been kidnapped by Dr. Bangod. Here is a painting of her. Her name is Livy Sted," Din said as he handed Cain a painting. Cain looked over the painting and said, "Hmmm Nice, yes indeed." "Don't be getting any ideas Cain. She is in great danger." "Of course she is...just like all the women I run into." " continue Dr. Bangod is demanding a large sum of Talics for her safe return. You shall rescue her, destroy Dr. Bangod's secret fortress, and put an end to whatever evil plan he has. I will self destruct in ten seconds." Cain's eyes suddenly widened at the last statement Din made and then he began running away. Cain quickly jumped over a rock and hid behind it, just in time to hear a loud explosion and see a rain of fire spread around the forest. "Well no time to lose. I had better go to a bar somewhere and get some information on where Dr. Bangod's secret fortress might be," Cain said as he hurried off. Cain soon found himself at the Tavern of Bingel in the town of Syne. Cain walked into the tavern and then up to the bar. "Give me a bantini shaken not stirred," Cain said to the bartender. "Hmmmm we don't have anything like that here. I think you are in the wrong bar sir," the Bartender said as he motioned to all the rough looking people sitting in the bar. Cain just looked around and then said,"Oh yes. I am definitely in the right place. I don't think you heard me. I want a bantini shaken not stirred," Cain said as he unsheathed his katana with the Sword's Edge symbol on it. The bartender was taken aback and sweat started to form on his brow,"S-sorry sir. Didn't hear what you said. I think a man upstairs has what you want." Cain put his katana back in its sheath and he tipped his head toward the bartender. Cain then walked up the stairs in the tavern to see the man that would tell him what he needed to know. As Cain got to the top of the stairs a dagger flew past his face and he just barely dodged it. "Hmmm....that was a close shave," Cain replied. "I say you whoever you are! I need some information!" A man at the end of the hallway just shouted back, "I don't think you'll be getting any information from me Mr. Clawn! You see I have been sent to kill you!" "Diabolical! Dr. Bangod thought of everything! But no matter. I will stop him!" Cain pulled out his katana and focused his ki energy through it. After the katana was charged he threw it down the hall and into the room that the man was hiding in. The katana hit the wall and caused a small explosion which sent the man flying back and brought up a lot of smoke, making it hard to see. Cain then ran down the hall and into the room and looked around but couldn't find the man. Suddenly the man came at Cain from behind with a rope and threw it around Cain's neck, attempting to strangle him. Cain put his hands under the rope and struggled with the man trying not to suffocate. "So Mr. Clawn. What makes you think you can beat Dr. Bangod, who isn't hiding out in the abandon warehouse?" "Dr. Bangod is in the abandon warehouse?" Cain said. The man was stunned for a minute, "What!!!??? How did you know he was there? Someone must have told you! I'll kill you!" Cain got an idea and started to swing his body back and fourth quickly to gain some momentum and leverage. Cain then got close to the window, picked the rope off of his neck, turned and threw the rope around the assassin's neck, and tossed him out the window. "Noooo!!!! Let me go...Cain!" "Ha. You really think I am that dumb? First tell me what Dr. Bangod's plan is and where this abandon warehouse is," Cain said. "You fool! You know the rules. I can't tell you his plan but I can tell you where the warehouse is. All you need to do is go north for about 2 miles and it will be hidden behind a large row of trees. You can't miss it." "Oh. Thank you very much sir. But I can't risk you trying to kill me again. So....," after having said that Cain pulled the rope tight and tied it around a bed in the room. Cain then walked to the window and looked down at the man who had just broke his neck from having the rope around it. "Why don't you hang around here for awhile," Cain curtly said as he ran down the tavern and outside. Cain did as he was told and went north for two miles and sure enough found the abandon warehouse. "Hmmmmm...who would have ever guessed he would be in here," Cain thought to himself. As Cain approached the warehouse, past the trees, a large net dropped on him from above and Cain tried to claw his way out. "Oh no! Not a net! There is no way I could escape this even if I just lifted it up!" Cain cried. "That is correct Mr. Clawn! HA HA HA!" Cain looked out of the net to see a very fat man approach him surrounded by other men who were not so fact they looked very muscular in comparison. "Dr. Bangod. I should have known that you would be behind this horrific trap!" "Of course Mr. Clawn! But don't worry. The best is yet to come! Bring him inside and put him in the.........EVIL CHAIR!" Cain raised an eyebrow and said, "The 'evil chair?' What kind of stupid name is that?" "Shut-up you! You will soon find out!" The men surrounding Dr. Bangod grabbed Cain and dragged him inside the warehouse and strapped him into a large wooden chair. "Well Mr. Clawn are you comfortable?" "No I could use a pillow and maybe a dry bantini." "Well don't worry. You won't have to worry about being comfortable for long. You see Dr. Clawn. You have come here to rescue the daughter of a great General of your clan but unfortunately she is all tied up right now in the dungeon." "I didn't know there were dungeons in warehouses?" "Of course there are! People just never ask.. Well anyway I need her. Because once I get the money for the ransom I will use it to buy a large supply of metal and precious stones. You see I am a doctor of Archeology. On one of my digs I found this," Dr. Bangod pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. "It is blueprints for a large device created by THE MAN! It is a device called a 'Laser' which can kill hundreds of men with a burning beam within seconds!!! It is constructed by many metal parts and powered by gems. After building this 'Laser' I will use it to bring Monic to its knees! Then I, Dr. Bangod will rule the world!!" Cain just shook his head, "Your mad Dr. Bangod. You'll never get away with this!" "Oh? And who is going to stop me? You? HA HA HA! Don't worry I have taken care of that. You see the chair you are sitting in is positioned below a large boulder suspended above your head. First this candle will burn through a rope that is holding closed this caged Foustine that has not eaten for days. Directly in front of the Foustine is his favorite food, Flebon. He will eat the flebon from this bowl which is on a scale. After eating all the food the weight on one side of the scale will have been lessened causing the scale to drop on the other side, dropping this ball that will roll down this trench and hit this spring mechanism loaded into this bow and arrow. The bow will fire and the arrow will cut the rope holding the boulder above your head which will crush you to death!!!! What do you think about that Mr. Clawn?" "I don't like it Dr. Bangod! I will stop you." "Sure whatever Mr. Clawn. Now if you will excuse me I need to see to other things," Dr. Bangod said as he left the room. Cain just looked up at the boulder, desperately trying to figure a way out.....