Cain was thinking rapidly of how he could possibly get out of this well thought out unescapeable trap. Just then he had an idea. "What if I set off the trap now?" Cain contemplated his decision and then decided it was the only way he could escape and save the day. Cain pulled out a small metal piece that he had in his mouth which he intended to use to put his plan into action. Cain first spit the metal piece at the bowl of food sitting on the scale, knocking it toward the bow and arrow changing its trajectory and releasing the ball early. "Ok here we go," said Cain as the candle finished burning through the rope. The rope snapped releasing the hungry Foustine which came at Cain since it could not find the bowl of food. The ball, which had already made it to the end of its trench, triggered the bow and arrow to fire, hitting the rope holding the rock, and then cutting Cain's ropes setting him free. Cain then jumped to the side just barely missing the crossfire between the rock and the Foustine. When Cain got to his feet he saw the Foustine's feet sticking out from the rock with a large blood trail coming from underneath, just as he had planned. "Sorry to cut and run but, I have to go," Cain said as he ran down the hall. On his way out Cain found his sword and supplies. Putting them on he inched his way around the corner to see Dr. Bangod just finishing his giant "laser" machine. Cain looked around the room and saw several men standing around the "laser" and around Ms. Livy Sted. Cain looked up at the top of the "laser" to see Dr. Bangod on top working some controls. Cain decided that it was time to stop spying and start doing. The best way to save a hostage and the world was mindless random violence and destruction. Cain ran through the room screaming as he ran. The men guarding the "laser" and Livy Sted jumped in front of Cain. Cain pulled his sword and began swinging it wildly, cutting limbs off left and right, decapitating people, and spraying blood everywhere. "What the ANGE are you doing Cain!?" Dr. Bangod said as he saw all his men get killed in a mass of sword swings. Dr. Bangod didn't wait for the answer but started up his "laser" which shot jets out of it and took off through a large ceiling window. Cain, after cleaning off his sword, ran over to Livy Sted and cut her ropes off. "Better late then never right Livy?" Cain said with a smile. "It's about time someone came and got me! He was going to show the artifacts he found for the past four years! I don't think I could have lasted much longer." "Well it isn't over yet. We still need to destroy Master B's 'laser' or whatever it is called." "Don't you mean Dr. Bangod?" "Oh....yes of course. Slip of the tongue." Having said that Cain took Livy by the hand and they both ran outside of the warehouse. After getting outside a huge shadow suddenly loomed over them. Cain and Livy looked up to see Dr. Bangod's "laser" coming down upon them. "Look out!" Cain said as he pushed Livy to the side and began running. "HA HA HA! What's wrong Cain? Afraid to fight me?" Cain turned his head to see the "laser" at ground's level with him, firing many little jets of fire. Suddenly feeling indestructable, Cain pulled his sword and ran back towards the "laser". He hit the machine several times with his sword but only managed to scratch the metal. Cain kept running around the machine being careful to aviod the jets when Livy yelled over to him from behind a tree, "Hey Cain! What about hitting that huge glowing spot in the center of the "laser". That might be a real obvious weak spot!" " is a long shot but it is worth a try!" Cain run to the center of the "laser", looked up at the glowing spot, and threw his sword at it. "Cain what are you doing? NOOOOO!" Cain ran from the "laser" as it began to make a humming noise and jumped clear at the last minute as it exploded in a great mass of fire and metal. Livy ran over to Cain who was lying on the ground. "Are you ok Cain?" She asked. Cain looked up, "I am now." Cain then grabbed Livy and pulled on top of him. They both proceeded to kiss each and Cain looked up and said, "Dr. Bangod is dead now. And just in time for lunch!!!!!" With that he continued kissing Livy.....