Day 22 Hyru was in his trophy room, looking into the "Stone of Goth" as he had been doing more often recently. Hyru was pondering over his latest question to the stone and then abruptly put the stone down in its place at the center of the room and walked over to his chair behind the stone. Hyru then sat down and began laughing silently to himself. "It is finished. Nothing can stop me from being ruler. The events I have set in motion cannot be changed. I will be ruler no matter what," thought Hyru, "I no longer need to interfere. All I need to do is wait. Then soon Monic will be mine." Hyru stopped laughing at that last thought, settled into his chair, and stared blankly into the air, waiting.... Day 26 Esimed looked up from his bed. His wounds had been healing faster than the healer had expected. Esimed glanced around the room to see if anyone was there but the hut was empty. Just then he heard a scream and saw the healer run in through the door. He had blood running down from a large wound in his head and had several other cuts on his body. "Raiders....," was the last word he said before collapsing dead on the ground. Esimed suddenly realized that not all the raiders had been killed. He must have missed a few of the raiders or they might not have all shown up at the battle. Whatever the case, they were coming for revenge against him since he was the person most responsible for the deaths of the raider's comrades. Esimed got out of bed and limped toward the window trying to escape before the raiders found him but it was too late. "Where do you think you're going?" Said one of the five raiders that had just entered the hut. Esimed turned and looked at the men. Five raiders, all armed with blood stained swords and all extremely pissed off. He needed to get away because fighting was out of the question. Esimed saw the raiders start coming at him and he was about to give up when somebody grabbed him and pulled him through the window. It was a very large man with gray hair all over his body and he had a ripped green uniform on. He must have been excedingly strong because he put Esimed on his shoulders and began running very fast, away from the raiders who were now pursuing them. "Are you all right?" The man asked Esimed. "Well until you pulled me out of that hut I wasn't but now it seems to be getting better. Who are you?" "No time to explain now. I think its time we lost these guys," the man replied. With out another word the man started running even faster with a speed Esimed had only seen in wild animals. The man darted back and forth in between trees, taking them deeper into the swamp. Esimed looked back at the raiders, who were having a hard time keeping up and following this strange man. Then without a thought the man jumped into the air, past the tree-cover, and landed on the top of a large tree. He didn't stop though and kept leaping from treetop to treetop until he was sure the raiders couldn't find them. The man then took one leap and landed gracefully on the ground. Esimed was shocked at what had just happened. This was no ordinary man, he thought. And what made him even more mysterious was the two symbols he had on his arms. Esimed, while glancing back at the raiders, noticed a Kin Shi Tal symbol on one arm and a Z symbol on his other arm. "The Kin Shi Tal don't have powers or men like this," thought Esimed, "So what's this guys story? I had better play it cool until I find out." The two had stopped to camp for the night and the Z tattooed man had built a fire. "Are you hungry?" The man asked Esimed. "Sure. Got any food?" "No. But I am sure I could hunt us up some. Hold on I'll be right back." "Don't you want a weapon?" Esimed asked offering his sword. "No. It will only slow me down," the man said as he was leaving. It wasn't too long after that the man had returned with the dead body of a delant. He tossed the animal on the fire, after ripping off the skin, and sat down to let it cook. Esimed was surprised once again that this man had successfully found, caught, and killed a delant at night and with no weapons. "Ummm... did you get lucky and find it in a trap?" Asked Esimed. "No. I just found his tracks, followed them, and killed him. It wasn't that hard. You know it is easier to kill them by hitting them just below the neck to stop their heart then it is to use a weapon. Less mess to." "But how could you get close enough to him to do that, much less have that kind of strength to stop his heart?" Esimed asked forcefully. He was fed up with all the secrecy and wanted to know who this man was now. "Well I know the delant is very agile and has a thick hide but lets just say I'm not normal." "Well duh. That's obvious," thought Esimed. "But since you would have figured it out eventually I will tell you. My name is.... Was Talock. I was once a member of the Kin Shi Tal. That's where I got this tattoo. But the other tattoo I got after undergoing an experiment of theirs. The leaders of our clan didn't like how slow things were going for a change to a non-anarchical society. So they initiated a plan to make super soldiers that cold take over the world and organize a government that would bring order to Monic. I was there supervising the first attempt at this. The mages and healers took a Foustine and tried to give it human attributes. To this end they thought they could make a soldier that would follow orders but also have the powers of a beast. It failed and the creation called project X was killed. However they weren't ready to give up. The next experiment involved taking a Kin Shi Tal agent, namely me, and combining it with a Foustine. The mages worked there magic and the healers used their herbal potions to finish the experiment. It was successful and I was one with the Foustine. I performed all the tests they asked me to do. Sure enough I had great strength, heightened senses, powerful agility, hunting instincts, speed, and higher endurance. I also evolved this hair covering my body, sharper teeth, and claw like nails on my hands. Everything the Kin Shi Tal wanted was coming true. I had exceeded their expectations. I felt proud to be apart of the great Kin Shi Tal cause.... but now I am nothing more than a hunted beast. No longer a man but a freak." Esimed looked confused and said, "But why is that now you are hunted?" "Well about a few weeks later after the testing," the man paused, "They tried to kill me for no apparent reason. I think they may have changed their minds or feared what I was. But for some reason they wanted me dead. I had to escape so I fled to the swamp and have been living here ever since." Esimed felt pity for the man but couldn't help but feel there was more to it then that. He felt as if the man was keeping something else from him. The Z tattooed man was hiding a dark secret and Esimed decided the guy freaked him out anyway so he was going to get far away from him as soon as he could. Night passed and morning came. Esimed awoke to the sun shining down on him from the sky. He looked around the camp and didn't see the Z tattooed man anywhere around. Esimed got up, feeling better, and decided it was time to go.