Esimed Day 27 Esimed looked back at the ashes of the camp where he had just left. "That Z tattooed guy won't be too happy to find me gone. That's just too damn bad though. I don't intend to stay around any longer with him. That guy is crazy," thought Esimed. He had made good time throughout the day, getting farther and farther south away from the camp until he heard something in front of him. Esimed quickly ducked behind a tree and waited to see who or what it was. After what he had been through he wasn't taking any chances. As he peered from around the tree he saw two figures walking toward him. He figured they just happen to be going in the opposite direction of him but he wanted to wait and be sure they weren't looking for him. As they came closer into view, they both appeared to be members of the Sword's Edge. Either that or two guys that killed two members, stole their weapons, and then stole their clothes. He didn't know these two members so it was a good chance they didn't know him. Esimed decided he would get some help and maybe some information from them. First he made sure that his Spyre symbol was covered, then he pulled the bandage off of his wound, grabbed a stick to use as a crutch (to make himself look less threatening), and then stepped out from behind the tree. The men stopped walking as they noticed Esimed limping from behind the tree. They both drew their weapons but then put them back when they saw Esimed was had no intentions of fighting and even if he did he was wounded. The two men walked up to Esimed and helped steady him so he wasn't so unstable. "Who are you and how can we help?" Said the first man on his left. The man on Esimed's right also spoke, "You seem to have been wounded. I think we can dress the wound for you." "Thank you. My name is Esimed. I was a villager of the town Gomanon. But unfortunately raiders destroyed my town and I just barely escaped. As you can see I got this wound for my trouble. Who are you two?" "Well my name is Valen," said Valen on the left. "And I am Terico Jent. We are both members of the Sword's Edge clan. You need not fear us though. We are glad to assist anyone in need," said Terico on the right. "It seems we are not the only ones to experience trouble. We are sorry your town was destroyed. Tell me friend are you heading North?" Said Valen. Esimed glanced over at him and thought his strategy through and decided it would be best not to go back north, "No. I just came from that direction. I am trying to make it to the town of Demar. I have some.... acquaintances there. I hope to make a new home in Demar. Tell me where do you two come from?" Terico looked over at Valen and then said, "We just came from the Great Sentient's base. We went there to....find a friend of ours that was staying there. Now we are on our way to the Twin Moon's base to sign a peace treaty. In these dark times the Sword's Edge can use all the help we can get. Right Valen?" Valen just nodded toward Terico. Esimed could see that they weren't going to tell him much so he just allowed them to change his wound, give him some new clothes, and send him on his way. Terico and Valen then took Esimed's clothes and burned them. "I felt it was a good idea to burn your clothes just in case those raiders come looking for you. And besides it isn't good to have blood stained clothes around in a forest full of vicious animals," said Valen. Esimed agreed and left, still heading south and limping on his stick. After Valen and Terico were gone, Esimed threw the stick to the side and walked normally. "Those fools. They couldn't even tell how bad I was wounded. Well I wonder what marvelous piece of knowledge they gave me," said Esimed as he pulled a scroll out from his boot. He had picked the pocket of Terico as they were holding him up and now thanks to their stupidity, he now had this scroll... Back at the camp the Z tattooed man had returned. He glanced around the camp and seeing that it was deserted he let out a howl that shook the leaves of the forest. His dinner had left the camp and after he was so nice to him. His human side was once again conflicting with his animal side. "I saved him out of sympathy but I really intended to eat him...Why do I keep doing things like this? I guess that's why I killed those Kin Shi Tal agents so long ago and why they wanted me dead. Well nobody is going to try to kill me again! I will find my prey and feast on his entrails," the Z tattooed man said. He began sniffing on the ground where Esimed had been and then threw his head back, "I have his sent." Having said that the Z tattooed man started running south in a destructive rage. Planning on killing Esimed when he found him. Esimed pulled open the scroll and saw many strange words written on the paper. The scroll was very old and threatened to crumble to dust as Esimed held it up. "Well it appears to be some magical incantation. I am not sure what it means or what it does but if my ancient Monic language skills aren't too rusty I am sure I can read it," thought Esimed. Esimed considered for a minute whether or not he should read it. Then he said, "Well what have I got to lose? I may as well. It might give me some magical powers or something." Esimed held the scroll up to the sun to better see the words and then began reading, "Tokan majoun. Hintou Koton. Incen, becan, cecam, noth, in goutan!!" After reading the scroll, a portal opened up in front of him that gave off a bright green color. Esimed looked into it but could only see swirls of green light. Before he could back away the portal began sucking Esimed towards it. "HEY! What the Ange?! This thing is pulling me inside it! I must get away!" But before Esimed could make a getaway, the portal pulled one last time and closed around Esimed. Esimed yelled as he felt himself thrown around in some unseen space. As his body came to a stop, he landed on the ground. Well he thought it was the ground but when he looked around he saw nothing.... nothing at all. Not even what he was standing looked like anything. Esimed looked at his hand and saw dust where the scroll had once been. He was trapped. And from the look of things, it was the worst place he could have ended up.