Terico Jent Day 25 It was early in the morning and Terico Jent and Valen had just left Nick Swindle. They parted company at the town of Tinta and Terico talked it over with Valen and they decided to goto the Great Sentients for help. After finding out how powerful the Kinshou army was, Terico decided going back to the Sword's Edge and helping them fight was suicide. Terico reasoned that they needed an edge against the Kinshou Army and he figured the Great Sentients could give them that edge. So Terico and Valen made their journey east to the Great Sentient's base. Day 26 After a day of travel, Valen and Terico had reached their destination. The Great Sentient's base was a large stone building. It had a musty old look to it and had many different colored rocks making it up. The few windows it had were plain and slightly dirty. The door was a simple brown wood door with many cracks in it, just what Terico expected it to look like. With that thought Terico walked up to the door and knocked lightly. After a moment it swung open to reveal a man standing in the doorway. "Hello sir, we are from the Sword's Edge and we wish to browse through your information if we could," said Terico. The man was obviously ver old and tired. He had a short grey beard, a long brown robe, and carried a large stick in one hand. "Why should I let you? What do you have to offer me?," said the old man gruffly. "All we want is to find something to help in our fight against an evil army going across Anihc. They must be stopped but we can't do it with out your help," Valen said. "You mean the Kinshou Army," the old man said. Valen and Terico were stunned for a minute. The Kinshou army wasn't all the way out here yet and information didn't exactly travel fast in Monic. So he could he have known, thought Terico. "You look surprised I know about them. Don't let me or my clan's appearance fool you. We have been watching the people of Kinshou for some time. We knew they would be coming here eventually but we didn't know when," the old man said. "You knew about them but didn't tell anybody? You must have wanted them to attack!," Terico yelled. "No we didn't know what their intentions were at the time and besides they are a very secretive people. We had hoped we could find out more before anything happened but it is too late." "Well will you help us then?," Terico pleaded. The old man considered for a minute and then said, "Yes. Come on in." Terico and Valen were then led into a large room full of rows and rows of tall bookshelves. Each one was jam packed with scrolls, books, and other forms of knowledge. Terico was stunned at the amount of information the Great Sentients had. "It is going to take us forever to find anything! How are we going to find something to help out before the Kinshou Army takes over Monic?," thought Terico. "Um. Where exactly should we start? We don't have a lot of time you know. We need to find something by tonight," Terico said. "Just be patient you young fool. Our library isn't so disorganized that it is difficult to find something. I know exactly where you should look. Right here," the old man said as he pointed to a shelf, "This is the section of ancient Monic spells. Many of them are very powerful. I am sure you can find something in there." Terico and Valen nodded at each other and began looking through each book and scroll, hoping to find something before it was too late to stop the Kinshou army.