Terico Jent Day 26 Terico and Valen had been looking through the bookcase of scrolls for several hours. Neither of them had found anything except an "Inferno" spell but that was too destructive and could kill many innocent people in the blaze of fire, and besides they weren't really sure if they could control it or if the spell would even work on the Kinshou Army. They needed something full proof and soon. Finally Valen looked up and said, "Here! I found something! Just what we need!" Terico looked up, rubbed his eyes, and glanced over at Valen. "What's that?" Valen held up a scroll and described what the spell would do. "A portal that will suck up anything within a select area into it and transport whatever it gets to a realm of nothingness. Sort of a magical prison." Terico nodded his head, "Sounds good. I hope it works though. That scroll looks awfully old. It's kind of strange though. That spell is sure specific in its use and direction." "Yeah. It is almost as if it was designed for one purpose. Oh well, we are going to use it again. I hope this scroll holds up until we use it," Valen said as he handed the scroll to Terico to hold. Terico took it and then approached the old man with Valen, "Hey. We found what we needed. Now if you wouldn't mind providing us with a wizard to cast the spell for us, we'll be on our way." "You don't need one for that scroll," the old man said. "Why is that? We don't have any magic casting abilities so how could we use it?" Terico asked. "I know normally it takes years to learn how to cast a spell and that any idiot just can't read an incantation and expect it to work without magic abilities. But these few ancient scrolls are different. They have been blessed with the power to work without any magic skill or knowledge. Because of that we have a failsafe that we can use to burn the scrolls if they are ever threatened. Now it's time for you to leave. Your time here is over and we never allow anybody to stay longer than they need to or the same person to make more than one visit." Terico and Valen agreed since they needed to hurry and find the Kinshou Army. They ran outside and after putting some distance from the Great Sentients base, they stopped and Terico said, "What a strange place. Those rules made no sense." "Well with the knowledge they have it seems to make sense. Remember knowledge is power and the amount of knowledge they have could make someone very powerful," Valen said. "OK. So now what? We need to find the Kinshou Army and to do that we need to anticipate their next move." "I'm way ahead of you Terico. Since they are very organized and we know they have been here for awhile observing us, it stands to reason they know where all the clan bases are. And knowing that we can assume they will attack each clan base in order of the threat they pose." "Well we know from the prison that they were headed to the Shadow. And the next most powerful clan is the Kin Shi Tal. That's where we need to go." "But we don't know where it is," Valen said. "We do know where the sub-base is. Let's head there first and then try to figure it out later," Terico said. Valen nodded and the two proceeded to head north to the Kin Shi Tal sub-base. Day 27 From night until morning, Terico and Valen had been traveling north. They only made one stop on their journey since neither one of them knew how long they had before the Kinshou Army would attack. So they pressed on trying to beat the army to their next target. At about halfway through the day they heard something in front of them. "Terico. Did you hear that?" "Yeah. Could be an animal though." "Maybe. Let's keep going and find out, but be ready." They kept on going until they saw a man step out from behind a tree, limping on a stick. Instinctively Terico drew his sword and so did Valen. When they both saw he wasn't a threat, and also wounded, they sheathed their swords. Terico decided it would be best to help him so he walked up to the man followed by Valen. They both then helped steady him so he wouldn't fall over. "Who are you and how can we help?" said Valen. Terico then spoke up, "You seem to have been wounded. I think we can dress the wound for you." "Thank you. My name is Esimed. I was a villager of the town Gomanon. But unfortunately raiders destroyed my town and I just barely escaped. As you can see I got this wound for my trouble. Who are you two?" "Well my name is Valen," said Valen on the left. "And I am Terico Jent. We are both members of the Sword's Edge clan. You need not fear us though. We are glad to assist anyone in need," said Terico on the right. "It seems we are not the only ones to experience trouble. We are sorry your town was destroyed. Tell me friend are you heading North?" Said Valen. Esimed glanced over at him with a strange look and then said, "No. I just came from that direction. I am trying to make it to the town of Demar. I have some....acquaintances there. I hope to make a new home in Demar. Tell me where do you two come from?" Terico looked over at Valen and then said, "We just came from the Great Sentient's base. We went there to....find a friend of ours that was staying there. Now we are on our way to the Twin Moon's base to sign a peace treaty. In these dark times the Sword's Edge can use all the help we can get. Right Valen?" Valen just nodded toward Terico. "Sorry we had to lie but we can't afford for anyone to find out about this scroll," thought Terico. Esimed started to look anxious so Valen and Terico dressed his wound, since they figured he was in pain and needed it fixed. They also gave him so new clothes they had with them and then sent him on his way since they were in a hurry. Valen then picked up Esimed's old clothes and burned them, "I felt it was a good idea to burn your clothes just in case those raiders come looking for you. And besides it isn't good to have blood stained clothes around in a forest full of vicious animals," said Valen. "Sounds like a good idea to me," said Esimed as he began heading south again, limping on his stick. After which Terico and Valen continued on to the Kin Shi Tal sub-base. Valen was feeling sorry for the man, "What horrible times we live in to have towns destroyed and no one to stop such things. Well that's why the Sword's Edge is here," thought Valen. Just then they were both interrupted by a loud howl. "Now I know that was an animal," said Terico. "Yes, no doubt about it. It sounded like a Foustine but a bit different. We should take a different route to the base. I don't want to be in its way," said Valen. "Yeah we don't have time to fight," remarked Terico. So the two turned off of the path they were on in an attempt to avoid the animal. After a time Terico kept looking behind them. Valen noticed and said, "What's wrong?" "I don't know but it feels like something is following us," Terico said. "Couldn't be that animal. I thought we lost it." Terico's head suddenly jerked toward a sound in the trees, "Apparently not, look." Valen looked up at the trees and saw some of the leaves rustle. Then, without warning a figure came flying down from the trees and knocked him to the ground. Terico drew his sword but before he could attack, the creature knocked his sword out of his hand and then threw him to the ground. Terico looked up and saw a man standing over him. Terico figured this was their attacker because of his massive muscular build and the fact that he was the only one around besides Valen. The man spoke, "You are not Esimed? Where is he!?" Terico suddenly realized this was on of the raiders that destroyed Esimed's town. Terico got angry and tried to get up but the man put his foot on Terico's chest and pushed him back down. Terico was about to say something when an electrical blast his the man, driving him away from Terico and making man yelled with a strange voice that startled him. "It almost isn't human," thought Terico. He flipped up to his feet and saw Valen holding his sword, glowing with power. "Valen that's one of the raiders that destroyed Esimed's town." "Yeah he looks like he could destroy a town. Let's kill him before he can do anymore damage." "Right Valen," Terico said as he drew out a dagger. "Where did he go?" Said Valen. Terico shrugged his shoulders. Then they heard a voice, "So you want to kill me huh? I'm the only one that will do the killing!" Having said that the man jumped out from the bushes and threw Terico's sword at Terico. Terico took the sword in the gut and feel to the ground gushing blood. "Valen! Get him....quick!" Valen was horrified for second but regained his composure and began his technique. The man ran at Valen so he quickly shot several fireballs from his sword at the man, forcing him to jump. "I have you!" Valen said as he primed his sword to strike. Then Valen quickly leapt at the man and started to slash him with his blade. But the man grabbed the sword with his hand and didn't even flinched. "How can you be holding onto my sword? The pain from the flames burning your hand should be too much to handle," said a startled Valen. The man just shrugged, took the sword from Valen, and then kicked him to the ground. Valen hit the dirt with a dull thud but his pain didn't end until the man came crashing down on him, driving his sword through Valen's head and impaling him to the ground. The man then looked over at Terico's dead body and said, "Well he isn't Esimed, but he will make a find meal."