Elarian Day 26 Elarian had been staring into a purple glowing portal that showed an image of Citange, stomping through the forest. Elarian smiled and looked over at a jewel that glowed with the souls from several people: one from a Den of Souls member, a second from a Shadow clansman, another from a Great Sentients librarian, a different one from a Sword's Edge man, a soul from a Twin Moons woman, another from a Kin Shi Tal general, a soul from a Reflectionists priest, one from a Manotic Order follower, and one from a Spyre agent. Elarian walked over to the jewel and picked it up. He stared deep into it, thinking he only needed two more souls to release Angestal from Ange. Then, just as Elarian was about to set the jewel back down, a second portal opened up next to his viewing portal and out stepped Blaze. "I have the soul of George Swindle for you Elarian," said Blaze. "Very good Blaze. Now I have the soul I need from the Blood of gods. All that is left is the soul from a Hurricane's Eye member, Citange. Soon I will transport to where Citange is at, kill him, take his soul, and release Angestal. Angestal will then rule all of Monic bringing a dark time of evil and suffering, which will give him enough dark power to eventually journey to the Overseer and destroy him for banishing Angestal to Ange. I will of course then rule over Monic while Angestal takes over the Overseer's realm." "That sounds good but how do you figure Angestal will let you have Monic?" "I am going to be the one that releases him. He will obviously give me Monic after he is done with it to show his gratitude. I will then turn Monic into a place where only evil flourishes, demons rule the forever night, and people will be there only to serve my whims." "And what do I get?" "You? Huh. Heh heh heh. You'll get nothing!" Having said that Elarian raise his hands and a bright blue flash came from them and hit Blaze. She started to scream and writhe with pain. "Does it hurt Blaze? It should! I am firing a magical water ball at you. The flames that allow you to be will soon be out and your ungrateful attitude will be smothered. Your dare ask me for something? You deserve nothing. You should have been content with just serving me. Now you will be reduced to steam because of your question." Elarian continued firing and Blaze started shrinking, being turned into steam by the water ball. After a few more minutes Blaze was just a floating cloud of steam rising into the air and then slowly dissipating. "So much for you Blaze. I didn't like you anyway. I couldn't take the chance that Angestal would give you Monic and not me. Oh well, I have more important things to do," said Elarian as he stepped through his viewing portal and was transported right behind Citange. Citange was trudging through the forest, following the glowing amulet on his neck toward the great power it was detecting. Wherever that power was coming from, he felt sure he would find the thing he needed to release the rest of his clan. Just as he was about to push a tree out of his path, he heard a voice behind him, "Citange. I have been looking for you." Citange turned around and scowled at a short man behind him. "Who are you that calls my name? I don't have time to waste talking." "Hmm. I thought you might show me a little more gratitude. My name is Elarian and I am a demigod that serves the great Angestal." Citange didn't seem impressed and instead said, "So. What does that mean to me? I have never heard of this "Angestal". Is he a weakling like you?" Elarian suddenly grew angry by the comment. "WEAKLING! I'll have you know Angestal is the most powerful being ever. His power rivals any. And I'll also let you know those that serve him aren't weak either. In fact I was the one that allowed you to escape from your prison." Citange's facial expression suddenly changed to a confused look, and then he began laughing. "HA HA HA! A little man such as you freed me from the realm of nothingness? That is the most entertaining thing I have ever heard. You deserve a quick death for that." "Well just to prove it that necklace around your neck was given to me by Angestal himself and in turn I used my power to transport it right near you in the realm. It is a jewel that can detect magical sources of power or even rips in dimensions. You used it to find a way out of the realm and it led you here back to Monic, just like Angestal planned." Citange stared at Elarian in disbelief, "If that is true then why would you help me?" "Because when I kill you your soul will be used, along with other souls, to release the mighty Angestal! You should feel proud that your death will bring about the rise of a god!" Citange had heard enough. This little man is going to suffer before he dies thought Citange. "You are quit a deluded man, Elarian. You couldn't kill me even if I let you. You are the second man to face me with such illusions of grandeur. He gave me a little bit of a workout, but I doubt you will even make me break a sweat." Elarian smiled and then said, "We shall see. We can do this one of two ways. One we can fight fairly without the use of our special powers or secondly we could use our powers and fight to the death." Citange just shrugged and let his adrenaline rush begin. He grew larger and larger until his muscles started to shake with power like they would explode. Elarian's eyes grew larger and he felt uneasy at the sight. "I wasn't expecting this," thought Elarian. But there was no more time for words, Citange was ready to attack and he ran forward then swung out a fist at Elarian. Elarian couldn't believe how something so big could be so fast and Citange's fist connected with Elarian's head, knocking him back and into a large rock. Elarian hit the ground and then quickly jumped to the side, as Citange's other fist came crashing down, turning the rock to dust. Elarian tried to counter with a fireball blast, but Citange jumped high into the air dodging it. When Citange came falling back down, he flew towards Elarian with a foot outstretched to kick him. Elarian flipped just barely out of reach and waited for Citange to land. Citange hit the ground leaving a large imprint in the ground and began to turn around. Elarian waited and then saw his chance; he charged up another fireball only a much more powerful one and then fired at Citange before he could turn around. The fireball hit and set Citange ablaze with flames. Elarian smiled but then started to shake because Citange didn't seem to even notice he was hit. It was as if he felt no pain or the fireball wasn't powerful enough to make him feel any pain. Elarian turned and started to run but Citange was already in the air and landed right in front of him. "Where are you going little man? Didn't you know what you were up against?" Elarian was stunned for a minute then threw a punch at Citange's stomach. Citange grabbed his fist before it even reached its target and crushed it in his hand. Elarian screamed as all the bones in his fist were immediately broken. Citange released Elarian's fist and let him fall to the ground, holding his once whole fist. "Now little man. Just to show you how much I appreciate you giving me this necklace, I will kill you without much pain. You obviously didn't realize the power I possessed. Your self-reliance on your measly power has killed you. I hope when you die and go to Ange you can explain to your master how you were humiliated. Good-bye now." After saying his piece, Citange punched his fist through Elarian's chest and grabbed his still beating heart. Elarian began pouring blood onto the ground and the pain he felt was more than any he had ever felt before. Citange waited only a second and then ripped out Elarian's heart, tossed it behind him, and continued on his journey north. Elarian fell down to the ground and used his last bit of life to see a Foustine coming toward him to feast.