Tse Cheung Day 25 Tse Cheung looked up at the sun and shielded his eyes from the bright light that was shining down on him. He squinted his eyes in pain from the rays and decided not to look directly at the sun again. Tse had been down in the Hurricane's Eye shrine for 17 days, learning as much as he possibly could about them. He had gone through many books, scrolls, stone tablets, treasure boxes, and anything else in the shrine to try to find ways of killing them. Tse had run out of food, water, and time. He figured Citange had caused enough damage and needed to be stopped before things got any worse. For his trouble Tse had learned some techniques to use on Citange, gotten a magic amulet to use, and found out the history of the clan. Tse couldn't believe the wise men would keep such a secret about the clan hidden. He also couldn't believe they didn't destroy the clan and instead just locked them away in a magical prison. But whatever was past was past. It was too late to worry about that now. Tse would make sure that this time the job was done right and that Citange would die. He had just finished eating a meal in a bar of Dinang and after paying the bill, Tse quickly ran north where his new found technique told him to go. He didn't quit understand the techniques completely, but if they worked who cares. Tse had been on Citange's trail for several hours and he was about to give up hope when he heard a loud thrashing sound ahead of him. Tse quietly crept up toward where the sound was coming from. He glanced up from behind a bush and saw his prey. "So this tracking technique does work. Citange is right there. Well no time to congratulate myself, it's time to fight," thought Tse. He jumped out from behind the bushes, taking Citange by surprise and kicking him in a certain spot on his spinal cord that sent him flying forward into a tree. Citange slammed hard into the tree and knocked it over. Citange got up and looked very angry to Tse. He looked at Tse and spoke, "What fool attacks Citange in the back?" "Well most of the people you have fought were fools, but not me. I have come prepared as you just found out. I know your secrets and will beat you." "Such confidence for such a small man. I accept your challenge and will make your death as painful as possible. But before I rip out your spinal cord, tell me how you know about me and my clan?" "Curious huh? Since it doesn't matter that you know because you will be dead soon, I will tell you. I have been to one of your clan's shrines and know all about you. I know your history, techniques, strengths, and your weaknesses. With all this knowledge I will put an end to your rampage across my homeland," said Tse. "So you have been to a shrine of ours? It won't matter. You may get a few lucky hits in but your end will still come. Don't worry about that. The knowledge you gained is worthless unless you know how to use it properly and have the strength to use it. Go ahead try out your little tricks on me." Tse frowned at Citange and said, "It would be my pleasure." Tse ran forward and flipped over Citange hitting him in the neck with hooked fingers. Citange shouted in pain and didn't move for a minute. So while Citange was stunned, Tse proceeded to flip Citange over his hip using a strange spinning, thrust motion. Citange hit the ground and Tse jumped back away from him with his sword drawn. "Are you convinced yet? I know you better than you know yourself Citange. Nothing will stop me from destroying you. Say your prayers." Tse primed his sword then ran forward as Citange was getting up and sliced Citange at the elbow. Citange held his bleeding arm with his hand and shouted over at Tse, "It seems I underestimated you. You do have some skill. However playtime is over. If you know anything about my clan you know of our even greater power. Allow me to demonstrate." Citange released his arm then clenched his fists closed. He began to concentrate and tighten up his muscles. Citange gradually began to grow bigger and bigger and bigger. With each size increase his muscles pulsed until they looked as though they would burst. After tripling his mass, muscle size, and power he stopped. Tse waited for Citange to finish and then said, "Yes I know this technique. It is called the "Adrenaline Rush". You are able to control your own adrenaline to make yourself bigger, stronger, and heal any wounds. It makes you almost unbeatable, but not quit. You do have one weakness." Citange just smiled, "And what would that be?" Tse shrugged, jumped straight up into the air and then went into a jump kick straight at Citange's chest. Citange looked confused for a second as Tse hit his chest not doing anything except allowing him to grab hold of Tse. Citange gripped him tightly in his hands and started to crush him. "Such a foolish move. I hope that wasn't your secret technique." Tse shook his head in pain and then looked down at Citange, "No that wasn't, but this is. TOKLAN MOUTON STENTOU!" Citange's eyes grew wide after the words were spoke. His grip loosened and Tse fell to his feet. Citange tried to swing at Tse but couldn't even move because he was completely paralyzed. Tse started to laugh, "Now I have you. Although I bet you are wondering right now how I was able to paralyze you. Well if you will look down at your chest you will see I placed an amulet there when I kicked you. You didn't notice because of your overconfidence. It is a magical amulet that the wise men first used to try and keep you docile. It didn't work because the other members of the clan destroyed them all and the wise men couldn't make anymore since the jewels were so rare and still are. But you missed one amulet and left it at your clan shrine. I found it and now your mistakes in the past will be your undoing. Any last words before I chop your head off?" Citange suddenly reached out and smashed Tse to the ground then put his foot on Tse's chest. "Just this you fool. I guess you didn't read the part about how the amulets only worked for a few minutes. Oops I destroyed that part. My mistake, HA HA HA." Having said that Citange raised his foot high in the air and then brought it down swiftly on Tse's chest, crushing his ribs and forcing them to rip through Tse's back. Tse screamed in pain and died within a few seconds. Citange lifted up his foot and looked down at Tse's chest which was caved in. He reached up, took off the amulet Tse put on his chest, and threw it down on Tse's body, "Here. Have this for a souvenir." Citange then walked away, continuing on his journey.