Abidar Day 22 Abidar had been walking west from Delaran for a few hours. After Blaze had taken his jewel from him, Abidar decided it was time to leave and find a new quest to go on. He remembered back to Day 20 when he was in Kaskia and how he got away from Angefire..... Abidar turned to Angefire. "I wonder what Elarian wants with the jewel?" Angefire looked at him. "I do not know. And I really don't care." Abidar returned to eating but then got up and started to walk away. "Where do you think you are going? You can't leave. Elarian may need you for another mission," Angefire protested. "Hey give me a break Angefire. I am just going to the bathroom," said Abidar. Angefire cocked her head to one side and then said, "OK. But make it quick!" "No problem." Abidar then turned around and went through a door at the back of the bar. After getting into the bathroom, Abidar looked around and then saw a window above the "toilet". Abidar saw his chance to get away so he took a running leap and grabbed onto the windowsill. He then pulled himself out through the window and jump down outside the bar. After brushing himself off, Abidar waved bye with a smile and ran into the forest...... "Ah yes. Angefire didn't see it coming. She is so stupid. I bet she got really mad when I didn't come back. But she is probably SO stupid that she is still waiting for me to come out. Hah!" Abidar laughed at the thought of Angefire still sitting at the bar waiting for him to return. "There is no way she can find me now," thought Abidar. After pausing Abidar continued his walk but then stopped when he started to feel a tremor. "What the ange is that? This isn't the earthquake zone. Why does it feel like the whole area is shaking?" Abidar's question was soon answered when he climbed a small tree and looked out over the plains. What he saw wasn't very pleasant. Hundreds, no thousands, no hundreds of thousands of men in black armor were marching across the plains. Abidar jumped down from the tree and looked for a place to hide. Since he had left the forest there really wasn't anywhere to hide. The plains were long and open. Suddenly he remembered his cloak, "Yeah what I am worried about. They can't see me with this baby!" Abidar quickly ducked down on the ground and threw his cloak on which immediately made him invisible. Abidar laughed because he figured what they can't see those idiots can't hurt. The army kept coming and got closer and closer to Abidar's position, so he remained perfectly still. But Abidar's idea was soon to present its flaw to him. The army didn't see him at all of course, but that didn't stop them from killing him. The army kept marching right over top of Abidar trampling him into the ground and crushing every bone in his body. He tried to scream but the sound of the soldiers drowned out any sound he made. About an hour later when the very last soldier was past, Abidar's broken body could be seen ground into the dirt. All that was left of him was a bunch of bloody clothes, a ripped cloak, and soft body full of crushed bones.