Rodan Day 20 Rodan began to open his eyes. He looked up at the bright sun and then stood up. How long had he been unconscious? And more importantly where was his prey? Probably gone by now. Rodan started to walk and didn't feel to bad. "Oh well. I guess I didn't get hurt as badly as I thought. Just stunned," thought Rodan. He kept walking toward the town to get something to eat. He went into the nearby bar and sat at a table. As he sat down he heard the cook arguing with the bartender, sounded like something about fish. Rodan figured that would be a good choice to get. Rodan motioned at the waitress to take his order. "What would you like," the waitress asked. "I'll take the fish. That sounds pretty good." "But sir..." Rodan quickly cut her off, "Listen. Bring me the fish! I'm hungry OK!" The waitress nodded a bite shaken and went to the bartender. "He wants the fish." The bartender nodded thoughtfully, "OK we can test it out on him. The cook swears the fish is bad. But I know better. If he doesn't die then the fish is fine." The cook just sighed and started to cook the fish. After a little bit the waitress brought Rodan his meal which he quickly devoured. The waitress asked, "How was it?" "Well not all the great but it fills the void," said Rodan. Rodan then got up and began to leave. "See? He's fine," said the bartender. Suddenly, before Rodan could make it to the door he collapsed holding his stomach. Rodan then began to writhe in pain and then stopped. "See," said the cook. "Damn. Well fine the fish is bad. You win." "Great but what about him," said the cook pointing to Rodan. "Just bury him in the back with the fish. What bad luck. I thought we could go another week on our fish supply. Oh well live and learn." The cook walked over to Rodan's dead body and dragged it, the fish, and a shovel behind the bar. After pilling the last bit of dirt on top of his now covered hole he said, "I hope he wasn't important or anything. That's all we would need is a clan or something coming down our throats."