Whirlwind Day 20 Whirlwind was trapped on a ridge. To his left was the Kinshou army and on his right was the Shadow's army. And being a part of Spyre didn't help his situation right now since he was the only member in the area. Whirlwind decided the best thing for him to do was to go and hide in a tree. He ran to the nearest tree at the edge of the ridge and jumped onto a branch. Whirlwind proceeded to climb up until he was near the top hidden among the branches. He looked down at the two approaching armies and wondered who would win. If the Shadow won then they would be back to square one except the Shadow would be much weaker after the battle, but if the Kinshou army won then he didn't know what to expect. After thinking about it for awhile he decided he should at least do something to help out the Shadow because being under Kinshou rule wasn't something he was going to accept. Whirlwind was about to jump down when a man suddenly jumped in the tree and drew a strange flail as he noticed Whirlwind. Whirlwind held up his arms and said, "Hey I'm here to help the Shadow. I'm not the enemy. Who are you?" The man lowered his flail and moved his hands around in a strange way. Whirlwind looked confused and said, "What's the matter? Can't talk?" The man shook his head no. Whirlwind was quiet for a minute and then he said, "Well I guess it doesn't matter that you can't talk. Right now we need to fight that other army." The man nodded and jumped down to the ground followed by Whirlwind. As they landed on the ground, both armies had gotten extremely close to each other. Whirlwind and his new friend ran at the Kinshou army with their weapons drawn. The man ran through the ranks of Kinshou soldiers, hitting several of them with his flail. Whirlwind used his wind technique to knock several of them down and then tried to thrust his sword through their armor to kill them. At first Whirlwind's sword didn't pierce their armor so he pushed his sword through the eyehole openings they had, killing a few he had knocked down. The man was having an equally hard time. He had managed to knock some soldiers around but he didn't really do any damage to them. After seeing his efforts were futile he teleported away using his shadow port. He reappeared in a nearby tree and began to concentrate his power on a different technique. The shadow members were also trying to fight the Kinshou army but many were stabbed, sliced, and trampled in their attempts, only killing a few here and there with some well placed hits. Panther was near the rear of the Shadow's army watching and giving direction, but even he could see that victory was going in favor of the Kinshou army. The tide needed to be turned soon if the Shadow was ever going to win. Panther ordered all his most experienced members to begin their ultimate technique to get past the Kinshou army's armor. Unfortunately only ten members were able to do the technique including Panther since many were killed in the Shadow/ Twin Moons war. It would have to do though. Panther ordered all his members except the ten members, including Atomflail in the tree and himself, to give them some time to do the technique. At that moment Atomflail was ready to do the technique and threw out a shadow dagger that went straight through the armor of a Kinshou soldier and then turned back into a real dagger, just in time to stab him in the chest. The soldier fell over dead. The other members were soon also ready and began throwing shadow daggers, spears, and shurikan. More Kinshou army members were killed but still they kept coming. Panther looked over the horizon and couldn't see an end to the mass of black armored soldiers. He decided it was time to do the technique that only he knew and with that he began concentrating his power. Meanwhile Whirlwind had killed a few more members by using his wind power to send the soldiers high into the air and then fall to the ground crushing themselves with their own heavy armor. Whirlwind was not without his wounds though. He had a few broken ribs, several cuts on his body, and he was feeling light headed due to the blood he was losing. Whirlwind knew he must go on so he continued to fight and ran towards another soldier. But just before he reached the soldier he blanked out for just a minute and the soldier knocked him down with his fist. Whirlwind struggled to get up but was run-through by the soldier's sword. The soldier then pulled his sword out and kept moving. Whirlwind looked up at the sky for the last time and then died. Back near the rear of the battlefield Panther was ready to use his technique. He released his power teleporting a dozen of his daggers inside 12 of the Kinshou army soldiers and killed them all doing this. Panther didn't stop and began preparing for another attack. But he looked up and saw the Kinshou army breaking through their front lines. Panther realized even with the Shadow's great power it wouldn't help them win against the vast numbers of this army and their strange armor. Panther gave his final order for all remaining members to teleport away to safety and then meet up at the Church of Revios. They all obeyed and soon the last of the Shadow army had teleported away including Panther. All that was left on the battlefield were about 35 Kinshou army corpses and about 150 shadow corpses. The rest of the Kinshou army kept going on their march to the Kin Shi Tal's base...