Jadax Firestorm Day 24 Jadax Firestorm was asleep near Yehaskala (a port town south of Rolin City). Soon he woke up and went into town for breakfast. As he was walking through town, people were staring at him and some even ran away. Jadax was confused at first but then remembered that he was dressed up as Giogio W' Tcaps. Jadax just figured that people were running for fear of being killed, after all, Giorgio was an assassin and as long as he wasn't be taken back to that prison for killing Mr. Zochi that was fine with him. Jadax strolled into the Sey tavern and sat at the bar to eat. Just as he was about to order a short, fat man sat next to him and said, "Thought you could hide from me forever did you?" Jadax was stunned for a minute then tried to act like he thought Giorgio would act, "I don't know what you are talking about." The short man tipped his grey hat back and said, "Does the name Crunkar mean anything to you?" Jadax stared at the man whom he could now see was wearing a fancy grey suit, "Names mean nothing to me." "Well I'll tell you who he was. My boss was paying him to work for our organization and he was an important part of the boss's new plan. But you killed him and cost us 5,000 talics! I've been looking for you to collect." "I have no money so get lost," said Jadax as he turned away. "Well if you can't pay me then I know what else you can do." "What's that?" The man jumped off his stool behind Jadax, "Die! Boys get him." At his word a bunch of large men stood up in the room and drew different weapons, all aimed at Jadax. Jadax decided it was time to drop his disguise because being dead was something very distasteful to him. Suddenly though as Jadax was about to reveal himself he saw Araz walk into the tavern. Jadax was trapped between getting killed by Araz or this band of men. Jadax made up his mind to face Araz because he was one man instead of a whole lot of men. Jadax threw off Giorgio's clothes and said, "Wait! I'm not Giorgio, I just dressed up like him after I killed him. I'm really Jadax Firestorm." At the sound of the name Araz shot a glance toward Jadax and recognized his brother. Araz pulled out his sword and advanced towards him. "So you aren't Giorgio? But you are Jadax huh? I've seen you on wanted posters with a reward that could make up for our loss. Thanks a lot for telling us who you were. Kill Jadax boys and we might get a reward from the boss." Jadax's face sunk and he felt stupid because he had made his situation worse. It didn't take Jadax long to decide to escape so he jumped over the bar, went out the back door, and took off toward the port. Araz and the men were hot on his trail and busted through the front door to follow him. Jadax was almost to the port when he noticed one small boat docked close to where he was headed. It was better than nothing thought Jadax as he jumped on board. Meanwhile, fueled by anger for his brother, Araz had gotten far ahead of the pack of men and made it to the boat just as Jadax was shoving off. Araz and Jadax looked at each other and then Araz leaped at Jadax getting ready to slash him. Jadax dodged to the side and threw a knife at Araz, which he deflected with his sword. Jadax tried to reach for his sword but couldn't find it then noticed it on the shore where the crowd of men had gathered, not able to reach the boat. Jadax's thoughts were shattered as Araz kicked him to the edge of the boat then raised his sword overhead, preparing to slice off Jadax's head. Jadax quickly reached for a wooden oar and used it to block Araz's sword just in time to stop it's course. The oar didn't last long though as Araz pressed down and it soon broke so Jadax rolled to the left to avoid Araz's downward strike. Unfortunately Araz's thrust had lodged his sword into the deck and he struggled to pull it out. Jadax got up and saw his chance. He ran up, punched Araz in the face, did a backhand to his stomach, and then threw him towards the rear of the boat. Jadax then swiftly ripped the sword from the deck and headed towards Araz. Araz waited for the attack then looked around and said, "Wait!" "What do you mean wait? Afraid of continueing now that the fight is in my favor?" Jadax replied. "No you fool! Just take a look around you. We are lost!" Jadax lowered the sword and glanced off the boat to see water, and more water, and more. Everywhere he looked, water. How long had they been fighting and how far had the tide carried them? Jadax didn't know and Araz probably didn't either. "You are right. We are lost. I can't see land for miles," Jadax said. "I suggest we put a hold on our fight until we find land or else we will both die." Jadax put the sword down and said, "Agreed." So for several days they worked together on sailing to dry land. They had found a food supply on the lower decks which began to get smaller as days progressed. Finally after some days of travel they hit land. Araz woke up and could tell it was early in the morning. Jadax woke up to and took the sword as he went to shore. They both looked around this strange land but then Jadax faced Araz and said, "OK. Let's finish this!"