Artishan Day 23 Kinshiro was in the main war-room of the Kin Shi Tal's base. It was a room very simple that was used to plan all of the Kin Shi Tal's major battles. The room had several maps on the different walls of the planet Monic, each showing a specific aspect of Monic like: the location of places, area climate, and trade routes. There was only one door into the war-room at the back of the room and only one window that looked out towards the rear of the base. A large wooden table was in the center of the well lit room with several chairs around it. At each chair was seated a different general or tactician in the Kin Shi Tal army from each division. And seated at the head of the table was Kinshiro. He had called the meeting because a messenger had recently arrived with news of the Kinshou army and The Shadows defeat at their hands. Kinshiro wanted to formulate a plan to stop the army as they appeared to be marching toward the main base of the Kin Shi Tal and because they had begun conquering Anihc. Kinshiro had hoped the Saigono force would have returned by now but they had not. In the war-room the generals and tacticians were discussing, planning, and yelling at each other what they thought should be done. Kinshiro was quietly listening to all of them to come to a final decision. After a bit longer Kinshiro raised his hand to quiet everyone and spoke, "I have been sitting hear listening to all of you discuss a plan to defeat the Kinshou army but I have not heard anyone say if we CAN at this present time." A general of Kinshiro's spoke, "Of course we can Kinshiro. We just need to hold up in our base and attack them from a distance to weaken their numbers and then attack head on." "Did you ever consider, general Pang, that arrows, rocks, and throwing knives may not work against them? Did you forget what happened to the Shadow?" General Pang folded his hands and reconsidered his plan. "I know all of you don't wish to see us get beat by the Kinshou army or lose our base but we must not be foolish. I believe the Kinshou army can only be beat with time and more information about them. It is said that if you know yourself and your enemy you will always triumph. The Kinshou army knows themselves and obviously has been here gathering intelligence and knows us. We know ourselves but we don't know the Kinshou army. The Shadow were in our position and made the mistake of attacking and were all but destroyed. Therefore we must fall back and hide somewhere until we get more information on the Kinshou army. To do this we need a defense line to hold them off at the Kin Shi Tal sub-base while we evacuate our main base," Kinshiro pointed at General Pang, "General Pang you will lead this defense force and inform the soldiers at the sub-base our plan." General Pang stood up at his chair, bowed, and left the room. Kinshiro pointed at a tactician, "You, Binsen will see to our escape plan." Binsen also stood up, bowed, and then left the large, wooden war-room table. "The rest of you help with the evacuation and see to our hiding place. I believe you all know where we are headed." Everyone in the room nodded and then left as well. Kinshiro was left in the room to ponder his plan. Time was growing short because the Kinshou army was surely almost upon them. Their only hope lay in the backup base which was on a small island just off the coast of Dunnhizigyz that very few knew about except the Kin Shi Tal. They had built a base there for just such a situation. Kinshiro then stood up and left the room, unsure what the future would hold. Artishan was in a room at the Kin Shi Tal sub-base with other members being given orders to defend the base from an approaching army named Kinshou. Weapons were handed out after the briefing by General Pang, who had arrived not long ago, and also units were assigned. Artishan was surprised that she was already going to fight without much training. She was assigned to one of the rear units to defend the base. Pang had said they were giving the main force time to escape to a backup base. Artishan couldn't believe they were being sacrificed just to allow the other base to retreat. It sounded like suicide to her but then maybe Kinshiro knew what he was doing. Artishan was stationed with others inside the base ready to go out and attack at any moments notice. The plan was several archers and long range attackers would be on top of the base pelting the Kinshou army until they got close to the base and then wave after wave of Kin Shi Tal soldiers would be sent until one of three things happened: The Kinshou army was stopped, orders were given to retreat, or the Kin Shi Tal ran out of soldiers. Artishan didn't like the last one but that sounded like what was going to happen. She was in about the sixth wave of soldiers. She contemplated deserting and going back home but she would rather die then be a deserter. The only thing left for her to do was wait... Artishan could hear the order to attack and felt a slight tremor that made her feel very uneasy. She figured the Kinshou army had made it close enough to the base for the attack to begin. Artishan listened hard to see if it sounded like her side was winning. The only thing she heard was shouting, the swishing of air from the projectiles, and a loud sound of marching feet. The marching sound didn't even stop or halt. It just droned on and kept getting louder. After a few more minutes a loud voice was heard from the next room and the Kin Shi Tal soldiers left the room. Artishan hoped that the Kin Shi Tal units would stop the sound of the marching feet but it didn't. It continued on like an itch that just wouldn't go away. Then suddenly a captain of the Kin Shi Tal army rushed in through the door where Artishan's unit was at and yelled, "UNIT SIX ATTACK!" In response to the orders, Artishan and the rest of her unit ran out of the room and through several empty rooms until they made it to a large open door that a bright light shone through. After clearing the door the light filtered all the way around them and they were outside. Artishan's eyes quickly adjusted to the sun's rays and what she saw almost made her stop in her tracks. On the field in front of her unit were several hundred dead Kin Shi Tal soldiers and only about a dozen of the armored Kinshou army knights. Behind the pile of dead corpses was the Kinshou army. Artishan shrank at the massive size of the Kinshou army and the ominous look of their black armor and large glowing swords. Now that she had a picture to go with the sound of the marching feet, she wanted so bad to go back home and deserting didn't seem like a bad idea to her anymore. The only thing holding her back was the image of the Kinshou knights that paralyzed her from running away. She shook the thoughts out her head, pointed her wooden spear weapon that had a metal end on it toward the Kinshou army, and ran with her unit toward the black wave. They reached the army and as Artishan kept running many of her unit was being slaughtered to the left and right of her. Soon she felt alone as almost all of her unit was gone but she still ran until she made it to a Kinshou soldier and rammed him with her spear. When her weapon collided with his armor it immediately broke leaving her with only the option to fight hand to hand or run. Artishan began beating on the knight with her fists and he slashed her with his sword then kept moving on. Artishan hunched over as she began bleeding from her side and another knight sliced her on the arm and another cut her on her back. Artishan fell over, spilling blood all over the ground. Artishan's last thoughts were of her loved one and she said, "I can't believe it. I didn't even get to do anything..." Artishan then closed her eyes and died.