Hyru Day 24 Kinshiro was at the main Kin Shi Tal base located near the coast of Dunnhizigyz. The evacuation plan was going well and since the Kinshou army had not arrived everybody assumed the defense line at the KST sub-base had slowed them down a bit. After the plan had been drawn up and orders were given out, everybody jumped into action. The lower ranking members were sent around the base looking for everybody that didn't hear the orders and were told what they were to do. The second duty of the lower ranking members was to collect all food that the Kin Shi Tal had stockpiled and take it to the back-up base and then remain there. The higher ranking members were to take all the weapons at the base to the back-up base and wait for further orders. The officers that stayed at the base to oversee the final evacuation and to tie up any loose ends were: Kinshiro, his personal guard, a small contingent of soldiers just in case the black army was to show up before the evacuation had been complete, and several scouts to keep watch at the front of the base. Kinshiro was talking with the tactician Binsen about future plans to get information on the Kinshou army. They had both come to the conclusion two teams needed to be sent in covertly to the Prison #1 where the Kinshou army had come from and to the Island of Kinshou where the army had originated. Kinshiro mentioned that it would be wise to try and team up with other clans like Spyre or the Shadow because with their combined talents maybe they could have a chance of defeating the Kinshou army and gather lots of intelligence. Suddenly they were interrupted when General Pang burst into the room, "The Kinshou army will soon be here!" Kinshiro glared at him and said, "That's good to know but how did you get here alive?" "What do you mean Kinshiro? I was at the sub-base watching the defense line and when it looked like it wouldn't hold I left to give you the message and as I was leaving the army split into two groups." "You deserted your post!?" "No. I just saw that it was hopeless and that the army was changing tactics so I figured the best thing was to relay the message that they would soon be here." "In other words you deserted them! You could have sent a lower ranking member with less skill to give me the message and stay on the front lines commanding where you belonged. Instead you fled like a coward not dying in battle and leaving your men without a commander. There is only one punishment I can think of to fit your dishonorable act." General Pang looked down at his feet and said, "I know imprisonment at the new base." Kinshiro drew his war ax, "No. DEATH!" General Pang quickly looked up as Kinshiro buried his ax into his forehead. The ax cleaved straight through Pang's head and into his brain, killing him instantly and making him drop to the floor. Kinshiro put his foot on Pang's body to keep it still as he pulled his ax from Pang's head, which squirted blood out of the deep gash making a pool form at Kinshiro and the tactician's feet. "Shall I clean up this mess and take his body to the new base for a honor burial?" Binsen said. "No leave it here to rot. In our clan we give no honor to men such as him. The Kinshou army will come and crush it along with this base, so I don't see the need to clean it up anyway," Kinshiro said whipping his ax off on General Pang's pants, "We have more important things to worry about now. Is the evacuation complete?" "About half of the lower ranking members have made it to the back-up base and the other half are almost there." "What about the higher ranking officers?" "They are almost ready to leave." Kinshiro nodded his head, "No more time to worry about the weapons. Tell them to take what they have and leave. Me, my personal guard, and the acting soldiers will try to give the members still needing to go some cover. We will stall the Kinshou army for as long as we can." Binsen stammered for a minute, "But...sir!" "No buts soldier! You are wasting time! Just give the order out!" Binsen reluctantly left and gave out Kinshiro's command. Soon all the members were on their way to the back-up base, leaving Kinshiro and the remaining soldiers at the base. Kinshiro and his few men were at the front of the base with two lookouts on top, watching for the army to come. They soon realized they didn't need scouts as they felt the ground start to shake. "This army must be huge!" A Kin Shi Tal member said. "We don't stand a chance!" Another said. "We should run!" The other said. "No. We will stand our ground and fight with our last ounce of blood like our ancestors did. They fought until all their enemies were dead and our clan survived. We may not win and we may even die but our ideals and clan will live on to one day kill the Kinshou army. We will give the other members the chance to carry on and our fight will not be in vain. For the Kinshou army may kill us but they will never DEFEAT US!!!!" Kinshiro yelled. The rest of the soldiers yelled battle cries and raised their weapons high into the air. Just then the Kinshou Army could be seen in front of Kinshiro and his men. Kinshiro raised his hand for a second then abruptly lowered it, "ATTACK!" The Kin Shi Tal soldiers responded and ran toward the Kinshou army with weapons drawn. The scouts on top of the base jumped down also ready to fight. Kinshiro himself watched his soldiers run to obvious defeat and death. He pulled out his great war ax handed down through the ages by the many powerful and magnificent leaders of the Kin Shi Tal. It was said that this ax had originally belonged to the founder of the Kin Shi Tal. It had served Kinshiro well and was one of the most potent weapons on all of Monic. Kinshiro held it up and said a prayer to the Overseer before priming it and rushing to his clan's destiny. Kinshiro neared the Kinshou army and saw many of his men already dead and only a few soldiers remaining. He pulled his ax to the side and swung it toward the head of a Kinshou knight. The ax cleaved straight through severing the head from the body. A Kinshou knight came at Kinshiro with his sword raised high. Kinshiro took another swing with his ax and embedded it in the stomach of the soldier going through his armor. Kinshiro pulled it out quickly and did an overhead slice to another knight cutting off his arm. The knight picked up his sword with his other hand and thrust it at Kinshiro who blocked it with his ax. Kinshiro turned around, blocked another attack with his ax, ducked, and then held up his ax to ward off more attacks. Kinshiro jumped back and then spun his ax over his head getting read for another attack. He went for the Kinshou knight with one arm and tried to decapitate him. The ax flew through the air but when it met its target, the ax broke in two. There was a loud thunder clap sound as the ax broke and shards of metal flew from the ax as it splintered in half. All Kinshiro was left with was a small piece of the ax blade on one side of the hilt. He looked toward the Kin Shi Tal base as several Kinshou knights drove their swords through his body. About six blades pierced through his chest and neck, sticking out his back. The knights pulled their swords out and Kinshiro fell to the ground to rest in a pool of his own blood. Kinshiro caught a glimpse of the Kinshou army as they pillaged and destroyed the Kin Shi Tal base but he didn't die with pain and regret but with pride, honor, and happiness. He knew the sacrifices of his men and him would help the Kin Shi Tal to carry on and survive. The only thing left for him to do was to die and join the honored dead of his clan in the great beyond... Meanwhile on a trail not far from the Kin Shi Tal base, the rest of the Kin Shi Tal were making their way to the Kin Shi Tal's back-up base. A few of them had already made it to the base and were preparing it by setting up defense lines and outfitting it with things needed for a functional base. They were trying to transform it into the new Kin Shi Tal base and since it had not been used yet it needed to be worked on. On the trail the Kin Shi Tal soldiers were running as fast as they could to try and make it to the new base just in case the Kinshou Army had made it past the Kin Shi Tal base. Binsen was at the front of the troop of soldiers and was shouting out commands of what they were to do upon arrival at the base. As they marched up a hill and were about to get past the horizon, Binsen saw a horrible site. Up at the top of the hill were 20 Kinshou soldiers spread out in front of them to block the path. "Halt! Kinshou knights are at the top of the hill! Drop what you have and get ready to fight!" Binsen yelled. The soldiers quickly obeyed and then went with Binsen to the top of the hill where the Kinshou knights were waiting. As if they were all joined telepathically, the Kinshou knights pulled out their swords simultaneously. Binsen wondered how these few soldiers could have made it here without being held up by the Kin Shi Tal defense line at the base. Then he remembered back to what General Pang had said. "Of course. General Pang had said the Kinshou Army split into two groups. This group was probably sent out to stop any escape from the base. You have to appreciate the efficiency and cunning of the Kinshou people. But no time to praise the enemy now," thought Binsen. He stopped his soldiers for a moment and called out to the lead Kinshou knight, "Move out of our way and you will not die!" The knight at the front of the Kinshou line yelled back, "We have no intentions of moving from this spot. Here we stay under orders from our superiors. If you try to pass, we will kill you. Your only option is to stay or run back to your base." Binsen clenched his fist in anger at the cockiness of the knight, "You are outnumbered. There are only 20 of you but over 100 of us. You cannot win. The odds are against you." The knight raised his face plate and Binsen could tell it was a woman, "You fool. Have you not seen or heard of how easily we kill any of you Anihc people. You pose no threat to us. My men could kill you now by ourselves if we weren't under orders to hold our position." Binsen pulled out his metal staff, "I don't believe you. But I guess we will soon find out if your boast is true or not. ATTACK!" Binsen pointed his staff forward as he yelled and the soldiers quickly formed several attack lines and took off toward the Kinshou soldiers. Binsen reached the lead knight he had just talked to and swung his staff toward her head. She ducked it and her blade flashed at his stomach but Binsen blocked it by quickly pulling his staff down. Binsen then swung the staff at her legs as he took a step back in an attempt to knock her off her feet. She jumped the attack and sliced downward with her sword. "By the Overseer! That armor must weigh hundreds of pounds! How could she have jumped that?" Binsen thought as he got down on one knee and held his staff up to block. The sword came crashing down and was stopped by the staff. She bared down trying to break through Binsen's metal staff. Binsen struggled to get up while keeping his staff raised but was soon surprised again when the sword suddenly broke through the staff and sailed down to strike him in the shoulder. Binsen crouched down on the ground holding his bleeding shoulder and looked up at the Kinshou knight from whom he had received the blow. "You people of Anihc are strange indeed. You still fight even though you continually get defeated. Why? It is a quality my people lack. When we fight an enemy several times but lose each time we realize there is no path to victory. It is better to give up and submit then risk further death and bloodshed. I will give you one last chance to surrender," the knight said. "Never. You are going to have to kill me first before I will ever give up like a coward. You will never understand why we keep fighting. There is always a way to win no matter how great the enemy or the odds. You just have to keep fighting until you find it," Binsen said through gritted teeth. "I disagree," the knight said as she swung her sword cutting off Binsen's head. She then looked up and saw that all her men were still standing and the Kin Shi Tal soldiers were taking a beating. When the head of Binsen hit the ground in a shower of blood and the Kin Shi Tal soldiers saw it roll down the hill, they all put away their weapons and retreated back the way they had came. Whether it was from fear or the loss of their commanding officer, the soldiers wanted to get away from Kinshou knights and find another way around them so they could re-group at the new base and plan a better attack. The Kinshou knights looked at their commander, Shala, and waited for her orders. Shala looked down at the man, Binsen, who she had killed then she looked at the running Kin Shi Tal soldiers. "After them! They will not escape the Kinshou Legion!" The Kinshou knights marched forward with Shala at the lead, in pursuit of the fleeing Kin Shi Tal. As the Kin Shi Tal neared a fork in the trail where they could escape, a vibration could be felt. They stopped in their tracks and saw a much larger battalion of Kinshou knights coming toward them from the front. Several Kin Shi Tal shuddered then turned around to see the 20 Kinshou knights they had just left coming from behind. They were surrounded with nowhere to go. Standing their ground was suicide, but so was fighting either group of Kinshou knights. The Kin Shi Tal stood back to back determined not to surrender. The black army all raised their swords as they neared the Kin Shi Tal. The end of the Kin Shi Tal was coming soon. But just as they were about to battle, the whole forest was suddenly veiled in shadows. It grew so dark nobody could see anything, not even the ground they were standing on. Shouting could be heard and then a strange noise echoed through the forest and when the shadows were lifted, all the Kin Shi Tal people were gone...